Scramble to the Secret Falls, Near Dorking, Surrey Hills

Scramble to the Secret Falls, Near Dorking, Surrey Hills

Scramble to the Secret Falls, Near Dorking, Surrey Hills

Our visits to Broadmoor always make us feel like jungle explorers on an expedition to find a secret waterfall.

I like to think this is because the woods have a wild, jungle-like feel and has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that on our first visit I didn’t bring our OS map, lead everyone in completely the wrong direction, had to call the expedition off, and then persuade everyone to try again the next day!

Whatever the reason, going to the Secret Falls, and then paddling at Friday Street, has quickly become one of our favourite adventures.


The Woods

Tillingbourne Waterfall, Broadmoor, Leith Hill, Surrey HillsExploring the network of narrow tracks through the woods is one of the special things about visiting Broadmoor.

Many are surrounded by towering bracken, which is taller than little children and gives that jungle feel. 



Tillingbourne Waterfall, Broadmoor, Leith Hill, Surrey HillsThere is a small natural play area with trees to climb and logs to play on.





Tillingbourne Waterfall, Broadmoor, Leith Hill, Surrey HillsYou can also build dens here. 





Steep Hill!

Tillingbourne Waterfall, Broadmoor, Leith Hill, Surrey HillsThe woods are on the side of a steep hill so be careful going up and down the paths – some are much steeper than others.

Please see below for full details.



The Tillingbourne Waterfall

Tillingbourne Waterfall, Broadmoor, Leith Hill, Surrey HillsFor us, the most special thing about these woods is that you can walk to a waterfall – an almost secret waterfall that many people have never heard of.

This is the Tillingbourne Waterfall, which is on private land (so you can’t actually reach or paddle in it) but is visible from a public footpath.


Tillingbourne Waterfall, Broadmoor, Leith Hill, Surrey HillsFinding the falls is half the adventure. It isn’t signposted so you have to find your own way down the hill (see below for details). 




Tillingbourne Waterfall, Broadmoor, Leith Hill, Surrey HillsOn the way to the falls there is also a little stream you can paddle in. 




Finding the Waterfall

To get your bearings, stand in the car park with your back to the road. The Tillingbourne Waterfall is basically straight ahead and to the left.

The problem you have is that ‘straight ahead’ means straight down a steep hill. We have found two routes down. The first is a gentle route and the second is a steep route straight down the hill.


The Gentle Route

  • Tillingbourne Waterfall, Broadmoor, Leith Hill, Surrey HillsLeave the car park by the path to the right that heads away from the road. 





  • Tillingbourne Waterfall, Broadmoor, Leith Hill, Surrey HillsFollow this path until you can turn right.





  • Tillingbourne Waterfall, Broadmoor, Leith Hill, Surrey HillsTurn right and follow this path to the natural play area.





  • Tillingbourne Waterfall, Broadmoor, Leith Hill, Surrey HillsKeep walking past this play area and you will start to go down the hill. At the bottom of the hill, turn left onto a flat, wide path.


  • This path will take you to the hamlet of Broadmoor. 


The Steep Route

If you choose this path, please be careful – it is steep and uneven with tree roots.  


  • Tillingbourne Waterfall, Broadmoor, Leith Hill, Surrey HillsLeave the car park by the path to the right that heads away from the road. Follow it until you can turn left.




  • Tillingbourne Waterfall, Broadmoor, Leith Hill, Surrey HillsTurn left and follow this path until you can turn right.





  • Tillingbourne Waterfall, Broadmoor, Leith Hill, Surrey HillsThis right hand turning takes you straight down the hill. 





  • Tillingbourne Waterfall, Broadmoor, Leith Hill, Surrey HillsThis path leads you out of the woods and to the back of some houses. Keep these houses on your right for a short way and then take the first turning on the right, which takes you between the houses and then to the main road.


  • This is the hamlet of Broadmoor.


From Broadmoor Hamlet

  • Tillingbourne Waterfall, Broadmoor, Leith Hill, Surrey HillsOnce you arrive in Broadmoor, things become much easier.





  • Tillingbourne Waterfall, Broadmoor, Leith Hill, Surrey HillsKeeping the houses on your left, follow the road until you come to a small fork.





  • Tillingbourne Waterfall, Broadmoor, Leith Hill, Surrey HillsTake the small road on the right, which will take you all the way to the Tillingbourne Falls.


Read More


Visit the Broadmoor website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Dorking, Surrey Hills
County: Surrey
Nearest Postcode: RH5 6JY

Opens: Daily
Cost: Free

Where to Eat: Bring a blanket and a picnic.
Facilities: None

How Long We Spent There: 2 hours
Buggies: The paths on the hill are steep in places, can be narrow and covered in tree roots. The paths from Broadmoor to Tillingbourne Waterfall are flat and surfaced. 

Parking: Car park. 
Cost of Parking: Free.

Wildlife You Might See: Birds, butterflies and other insects.

Information Written: September 2020

Visitor Information



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