Man the Cannon at Redan Hill Fort, Aldershot

Man the Cannon at Redan Hill Fort, Aldershot

Man the Cannon at Redan Hill Fort, Aldershot

Aldershot is home to the British Army so it is fitting that it has a recreation area complete with a reconstructed fort and a 32-pounder cannon and the nearby Redan Hill Play Area.


The History of Redan Fort

Redan Hill Fortifications, Aldershot, HampshireDuring the Crimean War, the British had been impressed by the field fortifications used by the Russians.

These fortifications, called redans and redoubts, could be built quickly to provide an easily defendable position.



Redan Hill Fortifications, Aldershot, HampshireRedans were V-shaped, often made from two embankments and a ditch, and had an open back. Redoubts were similar but fully enclosed.





Aldershot as a Training Camp

Canon at the Redan Hill Fortifications, Aldershot, HampshireAfter returning from the Crimean War, the British Army developed Aldershot as their main training camp, building field forts for training.





Redan Hill Fortifications

Canon at the Redan Hill Fortifications, Aldershot, HampshireRedan Hill Fortifications are a partial reconstruction of a training redoubt that was originally built here in 1856.

This fort was used for training until the 1860s, when it was cut through by the railway.



The Cannon

Canon at the Redan Hill Fortifications, Aldershot, HampshireAt Redan Fort you can see a 32-pounder cannon, the structure of the fortifications and a tree covered hill.

We had fun playing hide and seek around the trees and it made a good picnic spot but there is not a huge amount to do here.




The Play Area

Redan Hill Play Area, Aldershot, Play area in HampshireRedan Hill Play Area is just over the road from the fort and has equipment that includes swings and a slide.





Finding the Fort

Redan Hill Fortifications, Aldershot, HampshireRedan Fort is on Redan Road behind this black and yellow barrier.





Redan Hill Fortifications, Aldershot, HampshireThe fort is at the top of a hill. The walk takes a few minutes and the hill is not steep.


Read More


Visit the Redan Hill Fortifications website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Aldershot
County: Hampshire
Nearest Postcode: GU12 4SJ

Opens: Daily
Cost: Free

Where to Eat: Bring a picnic and a blanket.
Facilities: None.

How Long We Spent There: 1 hour
Buggies: Buggy friendly

Parking: We could not find a car park nearby but were able to park on Windmill Road (GU12 4NJ), which runs alongside the play area and fort.
Cost of Parking: Free

Wildlife You Might See: Birds and insects, especially grasshoppers.

Information Written: June 2017

Visitor Information



Our visit to Redan Hill Play Area and Redan Hill Fortifications and Play Area in Aldershot, also known as High Street Recreation Ground in Aldershot, is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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