Experiment at The Look Out Discovery Centre, Bracknell

Experiment at The Look Out Discovery Centre, Bracknell

Experiment at The Look Out Discovery Centre, Bracknell

Inside The Look Out Discovery Centre is a fun-packed, hands-on science centre with over 90 activities including an indoor stream, a huge ball run, a building site, a mini-supermarket, a hot air balloon to launch and a reaction testing game.

The centre is in the Swinley Forest with miles of walks and cycle routes, the awesome Look Out Adventure Play Area, the site of a Roman town and an iron age hill fort.


The Zones

The Discovery Centre is divided into five zones, each looking at a different area of science, nature and engineering.


Build It!

The Look Out Discovery Centre, BracknellIn this zone, children can dress up in hi vis jackets and hard hats and then use dumper trucks, wheelbarrows, chutes and pulleys to construct a house from bricks and lay a roof with slates.




Woodland and Water

The Look Out Discovery Centre, BracknellThis area includes an indoor stream with boats, waterfalls and dams and musical pipes to play.

Be sure to bring a change of clothes if you are going to play with the stream, my children get very wet!



The Look Out Discovery Centre, BracknellNote that the Build It! and Woodland and Water Zones are inside the centre but somehow open to the air outside. They can both be cold so be sure to bring warm clothing in the winter.




Body and Perception

The Look Out Discovery Centre, BracknellThe centre piece of this zone is a huge magnetic board with moveable pipes and chutes you can arrange to form a ball run.

When the ball reaches the end it is blown back to the start!



The Look Out Discovery Centre, BracknellThere are also activities like the mysterious treasure chest and an electronic table with games to play





The Look Out Discovery Centre, Bracknelland a test your reactions machine!






Insect Enclosure

The Look Out Discovery Centre, BracknellThere are different animals to see, including a snake, stick insects, cockroaches, toads and leaf cutter ants – one of my favourites!





Forces and Movement

The Look Out Discovery Centre, BracknellHere you can launch a hot air balloon and a rocket, play in a sand video game,





The Look Out Discovery Centre, Bracknellinvestigate space, play a huge piano with your feet, build a bridge, or shop in the mini-supermarket.





Light and Colour

The Look Out Discovery Centre, BracknellLast but certainly not least, this zone has experiments with light and the fun Optimusic, which is an interactive game you play by stepping into light beams.






Cafe and Kiosk

The Look Out Discovery Centre Play Area, Bracknell, Berkshire - The Adventure Play Area CafeInside the centre is a cafe that serves hot and cold food and also a gift shop.

Outside is a kiosk that sells refreshments and lots of picnic tables.




The Adventure Play Areas

The Look Out Discovery Centre Play Area, Bracknell, Berkshire - adventure play areaThe Look Out has two of the bet adventure play areas we have come across – one for ages 3 to 6 years and another for ages 7 to 11 years.

We love the Look Out Discovery Centre Adventure Play Areas and visit regularly.



The Swinley Forest

The Look Out Discovery Centre Adventure Play Area, Bracknell, Berkshire - The Adventure Play TrailThe Look Out centre is surrounded by the Swinley Forest, which has cycle trails and three signposted walks to try, including the Heritage Trail, which leads you to an iron age hill fort and the site of a Roman town.





The Look Out Discovery Centre Play Area, Bracknell, Berkshire - adventure play areaThere is also a permanent orienteering course, which you can buy from the reception desk in the Discovery Centre for £1.

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Visit The Look Out Discovery Centre website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Bracknell
County: Berkshire
Nearest Postcode: RG12 7QW

Adult Cost Range: £5 to £9.99
Child Cost Range: £5 to £9.99
Free if: Under 4

Opens: Daily

Where to Eat: Picnic tables and a cafe.
Facilities: A shop, cafe, ice creams, toilets and accessible toilets.

How Long We Spent There: 2 hours
Buggies: Buggy friendly

Parking: There is a large pay and display car park but this can be very busy.
Cost of Parking: From £3.10 for the first four hours.

Wildlife You Might See: Birds and insects.

Information Written: March 2017
Information Checked: January 2022

Visitor Information



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