Meet Nymphs and a Boggart on the Blackwater Valley Path

Meet Nymphs and a Boggart on the Blackwater Valley Path

Meet Nymphs and a Boggart on the Blackwater Valley Path

A cheeky boggart and some wood and water nymphs are just some of the creatures waiting to meet you along Section 6 of the Blackwater Valley Path. You may also spot fish, butterflies and herons!


The Nymphs and the Boggart

Hawley Meadows, CamberleyThis is a story trail called “The Story of the Nymphs and the Boggart” leads you around the meadow, telling tales of magical creatures.




Hawley Meadows Story Trail, CamberleyIt is about one mile long and is divided into numbered sections that you read out as you reach number markers along the trail.







Blackwater Valley Path Section 6: M3 Bridge to Blackwater Park

Blackwater Valley Path Section 5 Coleford Bridge to M3 BridgeAt 1.5 miles long, this section is one of the shortest. The path starts near Frimley Station




River Blackwater on the Blackwater Valley Path Section 6 M3 Bridge, Frimley, to Blackwater Park, Camberleyand leads you over the A331 dual carriageway





River Blackwater on the Blackwater Valley Path Section 6 M3 Bridge, Frimley, to Blackwater Park, Camberleyand into a business park.






River Blackwater on the Blackwater Valley Path Section 6 M3 Bridge, Frimley, to Blackwater Park, CamberleyThen it passes under the M3






River Blackwater at Hawley Meadows, Camberley, Surrey and Blackwater Valley Path Section 6 M3 Bridge to Blackwater Parkand on to Hawley Meadows, a traditional floodplain meadow.





River Blackwater at Hawley Meadows in Camberley along the Blackwater Valley Path Section 6 M3 Bridge, Frimley, to Blackwater Park, CamberleyFrom here it is just a short walk to Blackwater Park. 






The Blackwater Valley Path

River Blackwater on the Blackwater Valley Path Section 6 M3 Bridge, Frimley, to Blackwater Park, CamberleyThe Blackwater Valley Path is 23 miles long, marked by signposts and divided into 12 sections.  

These sections follow the river, are not circular and do not finish where they start.  



The Paths Along Section 6

River Blackwater on the Blackwater Valley Path Section 6 M3 Bridge, Frimley, to Blackwater Park, CamberleyThe paths are the first along the Blackwater Path that do not have hard surfacing suitable for wheelchairs, pushchairs and bikes.

The path varies from surfaced



River Blackwater on the Blackwater Valley Path Section 6 M3 Bridge, Frimley, to Blackwater Park, Camberleyto mud





River Blackwater on the Blackwater Valley Path Section 6 M3 Bridge, Frimley, to Blackwater Park, Camberleyto gravel 





River Blackwater at Hawley Meadows in Camberley along the Blackwater Valley Path Section 6 M3 Bridge, Frimley, to Blackwater Park, Camberleyto rutted grass.





River Blackwater on the Blackwater Valley Path Section 6 M3 Bridge, Frimley, to Blackwater Park, CamberleyWe found the paths easy to use on foot or by bike but they can be narrow and there are patches of stinging nettles and brambles to battle past.




Blackwater Valley Path Section 5 Coleford Bridge to M3 BridgeThere is a road crossing at Frimley, which you need to cross with care.  

Please see the Section 6 route description for full details. 




Would We Go Back?

River Blackwater at Hawley Meadows in Camberley along the Blackwater Valley Path Section 6 M3 Bridge, Frimley, to Blackwater Park, CamberleyWe would go back to Hawley Meadows and the story trail.





River Blackwater on the Blackwater Valley Path Section 6 M3 Bridge, Frimley, to Blackwater Park, CamberleyWe may also cycle up to the M3 Bridge and down to Blackwater Park but would start and finish at the Hawley Meadows car park.





Where to Next?

Blackwater Valley Path Section 5 Coleford Bridge to M3 BridgeUpstreamSection 5: Coleford Bridge to the M3 Bridge





River Blackwater on Section 7 of the Blackwater Valley Path at Shepherd Meadows, SandhurstDownstream – Section 7: Blackwater Park to Sandhurst Station



Read More


Visit the Blackwater Valley Path website

See the Section 6 Route Directions


Further Information

Nearest Town: Frimley, Blackwater, Camberley
County: Hampshire
Nearest Postcode for M3 Bridge/Frimley Station/Burrell Road: GU16 7QH or GU16 7JG
Nearest Postcode for Blackwater Park/Hawley Meadows:
GU15 3DT or GU15 3YH

Opens: Daily
Cost: Free

Where to Eat: Bring a picnic
Facilities: None

How Long We Spent There: 3 hours
Buggies: The paths can be uneven and there is no surfacing at all through some parts of Hawley Meadows.

Parking: To park near the M3 Bridge you can park at Frimley Station (GU16 7QH) or Burrell Road Car Park (GU16 7JG). You can try to park along the road at Blackwater Park (GU15 3DT) but it is easier to use the car park at Hawley Meadows (GU15 3YH).
Cost of Parking: Frimley Station is pay and display. The other car parks are free.

Wildlife You Might See: Kingfishers, birds, badgers, lizards, ducks, moorhens, coots, Canada gees, butterflies and other insects. Perhaps even some nymphs and boggarts!

Information Written: June 2024

Visitor Information



Our visit to Section 6 of the Blackwater Valley Path from the M3 Bridge in Frimley to Blackwater Park in Camberley is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


  • Fun
  • Condition
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  • Would We Go Back
User Rating 4 (1 vote)
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