Discover a Canal in the Sky on the Blackwater Valley Path

Discover a Canal in the Sky on the Blackwater Valley Path

Discover a Canal in the Sky on the Blackwater Valley Path

Stumbling across a canal flowing over a road bridge is one of the biggest surprises I have had on a local walk! The Ash Aqueduct and three play areas all wait along Section 3 of the Blackwater Valley Path. 


The Ash Embankment Aqueduct

Ash Aqueduct, Basingstoke Canal and the Blackwater Valley Path Section 3 Shawfields to Hollybush PitsBuilt in 1994, the Ash Aqueduct carries the Basingstoke Canal over the A331 dual carriageway and the River Blackwater.




Ash Aqueduct, Basingstoke Canal and the Blackwater Valley Path Section 3 Shawfields to Hollybush PitsSection 3 of the Blackwater Valley Path leads underneath the aqueduct and from down below it looks like a normal road bridge.  




Ash Aqueduct, Basingstoke Canal and the Blackwater Valley Path Section 3 Shawfields to Hollybush PitsThis makes climbing the bridge and discovering a canal a stunning surprise, especially on a sunny day.





Blackwater Valley Path Section 3: Shawfields to Hollybush Pits

Shawfields and the River Blackwater and Blackwater Valley Path Section 2 at Ivy Road Recreation Ground and Play Area in North Town in Aldershot, HampshireThis is 2 miles long and starts at Shawfields or Rowan Field





Ivy Road Recreation Ground and Play Area in North Town in Aldershot, HampshireIvy Road Recreation Ground is a convenient place to park near Shawfields.  




Ivy Road Recreation Ground and Play Area in North Town in Aldershot, HampshireFollow the path across the field to a small bridge and turn left onto the Blackwater Valley Path.




The path will lead you over footbridges





up to the Basingstoke Canal





past Lakeside Nature Reserve Adventure Play Area





over a couple of roads you need to cross with care





Blackwater Valley Path Section 3 Shawfields to Hollybush Pitsthrough narrow paths lined with brambles and stinging nettles 





Blackwater Valley Path Section 3 Shawfields to Hollybush Pitsalong the river





finally ending at North Camp railway station





Blackwater Valley Path Section 3 Shawfields to Hollybush Pitsand the Old Ford Pub.






Carrington Recreation Ground

Carrington Recreation Ground and Play Area, Ash Vale, SurreyWe continue on for a couple of minutes to play at Carrington Recreation Ground, which is also where we park.





The River Blackwater

Blackwater Valley Path Section 3 Shawfields to Hollybush PitsAlong Section 3 of the path, the River Blackwater starts to feel like a fully sized river complete with weeds waving in the currents.




Blackwater Valley Path Section 3 Shawfields to Hollybush PitsRiver access becomes very difficult because of the wild vegetation growing alongside. 





The Blackwater Valley Path

The Blackwater Valley Path is 23 miles long, marked by signposts and divided into 12 sections.  

These sections follow the river, are not circular and do not finish where they start.  



The Paths Along Section 3

Basingstoke Canal and the Blackwater Valley Path Section 3 Shawfields to Hollybush PitsThe paths along Section 3 are generally flat with a few gentle inclines and easy to use.  





Blackwater Valley Path Section 3 Shawfields to Hollybush PitsThe paths after Lakeside Nature Reserve can be very narrow, overgrown and muddy with patches of stinging nettles and brambles. 




River Blackwater and Blackwater Valley Path Section 2 at Ivy Road Recreation Ground and Play Area in North Town in Aldershot, HampshireThere is hard surfacing that is said to suitable for wheelchairs, pushchairs and bikes.





Blackwater Valley Path Section 3 Shawfields to Hollybush PitsWe have all used scooters along this section between Shawfields and Lakeside Nature Reserve without too much difficulty, although the surface can be uneven in places and there are often stones or branches to dodge.



Blackwater Valley Path Section 3 Shawfields to Hollybush PitsBut the path around Hollybush Pits does not feel like it is surfaced. In some areas it has large chunks of rock and brick sticking out of the ground. This wasn’t a problem for a bike but I have taken a scooter this way before and couldn’t use it. 

We now don’t take scooters beyond Lakeside Nature Reserve.


Would We Go Back?

Blackwater Valley Path Section 3 Shawfields to Hollybush PitsWe probably wouldn’t go back to the whole of Section 3 of the Blackwater Valley Path because of the paths around Hollybush Pits.

Instead, we follow a different and circular route!



A Circular Alternative!

Ivy Road Recreation Ground and Play Area in North Town in Aldershot, HampshireWe often cycle along the first half of Section 3, beginning at Ivy Road Recreation Ground and cycling for about ten minutes to the Ash Aqueduct.



From here we either follow the Basingstoke Canal tow path





to Ash Vale for an ice cream, which takes another ten minutes.





Lakeside Nature Reserve Adventure Play Area, Ash Vale, SurreyFrom Ash we cycle back to the aqueduct and rejoin the Blackwater Valley Path North and cycle to Lakeside Nature Reserve Adventure Play Area, which is about a five minute cycle from the aqueduct.



After Lakeside Play Area we cycle back to the aqueduct and then Ivy Road, which takes about 20 minutes.





Where to Next?

River Blackwater Valley Path Section 2 from Pea Bridge in Aldershot to Shawfields in Ash, SurreyUpstreamSection 2:  Pea Bridge to Shawfields





Blackwater Valley Path Section 4 Hollybush Pits to Colefield BridgeDownstreamSection 4:  Hollybush Pits to Coleford Bridge



Read More


Visit the Blackwater Valley Path website

Visit the Section 3 Route


Further Information

Nearest Town: Ash, Ash Vale, North Camp
County: Hampshire
Nearest Postcode for Shawfields/Ivy Road: GU12 4XG
Nearest Postcode for Hollybush Pits/Carrington Recreation Ground: GU12 5PG

Opens: Daily
Cost: Free

Where to Eat: Bring a picnic.
Facilities: None

How Long We Spent There: 3 hours
Buggies: Buggy friendly up to Lakeside Nature Reserve but can be harder going afterwards. 

Parking: To park near Shawfields, we go to Ivy Road (GU12 4XG) – drive past the waste recycling centre and turn left next to the sign for Belle Vue Enterprise Centre. To park near Hollybush Pits, we go to Carrington Recreation Ground (GU12 5PG).
Cost of Parking: Free

Wildlife You Might See: Kingfishers, birds, badgers, lizards, ducks, moorhens, coots, Canada gees, butterflies and other insects.

Information Written: May 2024

Visitor Information



Our visit to Section 3 of the Blackwater Valley Path from Shawfields in Ash to Hollybush Pits in North Camp is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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