RHS – Toddle Doddle https://toddledoddle.com Find Your Next Adventure Sun, 11 Feb 2024 21:10:49 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 102446132 Brave the Water Maze at Hever Castle, Near Tonbridge https://toddledoddle.com/hever-castle/ https://toddledoddle.com/hever-castle/#respond Thu, 07 Oct 2021 11:07:48 +0000 http://toddledoddle.com/?p=8487 Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent

Hever Castle was the childhood home of Anne Boleyn. It’s a picturesque castle that has everything a castle should have – a drawbridge, a moat and battlements – and even a castle-themed Hever Castle Adventure Play Area, complete with a secret passage!

I love Hever Castle. For me, it’s the perfect mix of fun, history, and nature.


Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII

Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, KentThe story of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn is brought to life by costumed Tudor characters, panelled rooms,





Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kentbanquet halls and even a potential candidate for Henry VIII’s bed chamber.







The Grounds

Hever CastleThe grounds boast several formal gardens, statues,







Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kentwaterfalls, a lake 






Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kentand bushes shaped like chess pieces and animals. 





The Ducks

Hever CastleThere are also plenty of marauding ducks to feed.





The Two Mazes

Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, KentThere are two mazes to pit your wits against – a hedge maze and a water maze.


The Hedge Maze

The hedge maze is lots of fun and took us about ten minutes of wandering around to solve.



The Water Maze

Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, KentThe water maze is ingenious.

Your task is to reach the centre whilst dodging the jets of water that suddenly erupt when step on the wrong stone.




The Adventure Play Area

Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, KentThe fantastic Hever Castle Adventure Play Area centres around a castle called Tudor Towers.

It has tube slides, turrets, bridges and poles.



Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, KentIt also has a secret passage, maze and musical instruments.





Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, KentThe castle is surrounded by more play equipment, including slides, swings, tunnels and an obstacle course.


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Visit the Hever Castle website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Hever
County: Kent
Nearest Postcode: TN8 7NG

Adult Cost Range: Various 
Child Cost Range: Various
Free if: Under 5 years or entry to the gardens can be free with RHS membership at set times.

Opens: Daily from March to December.

Where to Eat: Bring a picnic or eat at the cafe.
Facilities: Picnic area, cafe, snacks, barbecues, toilets and accessible toilets. 

How Long We Spent There: 4 hours
Buggies: Buggy friendly

Parking: The castle is a short walk from the car park, which has lots of spaces.
Cost of Parking: Free

Wildlife You Might See: Ducks and swans.

Information Written: May 2016
Information Checked: September 2021

Visitor Information



Our visit to Hever Castle in Hever near Tonbridge is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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Before taking part in any activities or visiting any places listed, you should make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision, a safe environment is provided and to check all these details are up to date before you visit and/or take part. We accept no liability (to the fullest extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided or places listed or for the accuracy of any information given.



https://toddledoddle.com/hever-castle/feed/ 0 8487
Find a Secret Passage into the Hever Castle Adventure Play Area https://toddledoddle.com/hever-castle-adventure-play-area/ https://toddledoddle.com/hever-castle-adventure-play-area/#respond Thu, 07 Oct 2021 08:38:24 +0000 https://toddledoddle.com/hever-castle-copy/ Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent

Hever Castle has a fabulous adventure play area centred around a huge wooden castle – can you find the secret passage into the castle, dodge the knights, puzzle through the maze and find the hidden boxes?


You can roughly divide the play area into three sections.


Tudor Towers

Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, KentThis is a large wooden castle built like a castle





Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kentwith tube slides, poles, tunnels,






Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kentrope bridges, net tunnels, ladders and climbing walls.





Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, KentOutside there is a well hiding a secret passage, which eventually emerges through a fireplace. 





Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, KentThe castle also has musical instruments, a maze, hidden passages and games. 

Tudor Towers is for those aged 5 to 14 years.




Acorn Dell – Natural Play Area

Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, KentThis sandy play area has:

  • a wooden climbing frame
  • tree trunks and climbing logs
  • a tunnel
  • stones to climb on
  • a tree house with a tube slide and a wobbly bridge
  • a willow tunnel
  • and a musical instrument. 



The Wooden Play Area

Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, KentThis play area has:

  • toddler swings (for under 5s)
  • swings
  • a castle slide with easy to climb steps
  • knights’ horse springers
  • a swinging basket
  • wooden climbing frames with nets and ropes
  • an obstacle course
  • a zipwire.

List Play Equipment


Visit the Hever Castle Adventure Play Area website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Hever
County: Kent
Nearest Postcode: TN8 7NG

Adult Cost Range: Various 
Child Cost Range: Various
Free if: Under 5 years or entry to the gardens can be free with RHS membership at set times.

Opens: Daily from March to December.

Where to Eat: Bring a picnic or eat at the cafe.
Facilities: Picnic area, cafe, snacks, barbecues, toilets and accessible toilets. 

How Long We Spent There: 1.5 hours
Buggies: Buggy friendly

Parking: The castle is a short walk from the car park, which has lots of spaces.
Cost of Parking: Free

Wildlife You Might See: Ducks and swans.

Information Written: May 2016
Information Checked: September 2021

Visitor Information



Our visit to Hever Castle in Hever near Tonbridge is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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Before taking part in any activities or visiting any places listed, you should make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision, a safe environment is provided and to check all these details are up to date before you visit and/or take part. We accept no liability (to the fullest extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided or places listed or for the accuracy of any information given.



https://toddledoddle.com/hever-castle-adventure-play-area/feed/ 0 69484
Explore the Wonderful World of Wisley Gardens, Woking https://toddledoddle.com/rhs-garden-wisley/ https://toddledoddle.com/rhs-garden-wisley/#respond Thu, 04 Aug 2016 07:51:18 +0000 http://toddledoddle.com/?p=24730 RHS Garden Wisley in Woking, Surrey RHS Garden Wisley in Woking, Surrey RHS Garden Wisley in Woking, Surrey RHS Garden Wisley in Woking, Surrey RHS Garden Wisley in Woking, Surrey RHS Garden Wisley Play Area in Woking, Surrey RHS Garden Wisley Play Area in Woking, Surrey

With beautiful scenery, cascading waterfalls, lovely picnic spots, buggy friendly pathways and even play areas, RHS Garden Wisley is wonderful.


The Gardens

RHS Garden WisleyThe gardens are magnificent and full of colour and life, whatever the season.







RHS Garden WisleyWe love the maze-like Alpine Meadow and the Glasshouse.






The Glasshouse

RHS Garden WisleyThe Glasshouse conceals a tropical world complete with a jungle canopy, desert







RHS Garden WisleyIt also has a waterfall, a cave with an exhibition about plants and roots and even hosts free-flying butterflies during the winter.






The Grounds

RHS Garden WisleyWisley’s grounds are extensive so make sure you pick up a map.

The many walking routes lead past orchards, view points, hillside gardens, formal gardens, wild gardens




RHS Garden Wisleyseveral ponds, and small waterfalls as well as a walled garden with a lily pond and fountain.  







RHS Garden WisleyThere are even some ducks. 








Outdoor Play Areas

RHS Garden Wisley Den BuildingThere are a couple of places to play – a den building area





RHS Garden Wisley Play Areaand a wild playground with an obstacle course, and bridge and rope climbing frames.





Cafes and an Indoor Play Area

RHS Garden WisleyScattered around the gardens are several picnic areas and cafes.

The Glasshouse Cafe has a small, indoor soft play area, although this is not in the main part of the cafe and we have never managed to find a free table there.

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Visit the RHS Garden Wisley website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Woking
County: Surrey
Nearest Postcode: GU23 6QB

Adult Cost Range: £15 to £19.99
Child Cost Range: £5 to £9.99
Free if: Under 5 or with RHS membership

Where to Eat: Bring a picnic.
Facilities: Picnic area, cafe, snacks, ice creams, toilets and accessible toilets.

How Long We Spent There: 4 hours
Buggies: Buggy friendly

Parking: There is a large car park but it can become very busy. There are spaces for people with children near the entrance to the gardens.  
Cost of Parking: Free

Wildlife You Might See: Ducks, water birds, squirrels, birds and fish.

Information Written: August 2016

Visitor Information



Our visit to RHS Garden Wisley in Woking is summarised below and based on free entry with an RHS membership card. You can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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  • Value (with free entry)
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User Rating 4 (1 vote)
Comments Rating 0 (0 reviews)


Before taking part in any activities or visiting any places listed, you should make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision, a safe environment is provided and to check all these details are up to date before you visit and/or take part. We accept no liability (to the fullest extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided or places listed or for the accuracy of any information given.



https://toddledoddle.com/rhs-garden-wisley/feed/ 0 24730
Admire the Gardens of Loseley Park, Near Guildford https://toddledoddle.com/loseley-park/ https://toddledoddle.com/loseley-park/#respond Tue, 17 May 2016 18:26:14 +0000 http://toddledoddle.com/?p=8623 Loseley Park, Compton, Near Guildford Loseley Park, Compton, Near Guildford Loseley Park, Compton, Near Guildford Loseley Park, Compton, Near Guildford Loseley Park, Compton, Near Guildford Loseley Park, Compton, Near Guildford Loseley Park, Compton, Near Guildford Loseley Park, Compton, Near Guildford

Loseley Park’s gardens are small but enchanting. When we visited they were awash with forget-me-not flowers, butterflies, ducklings and geese.


The Walled Gardens

We investigated the walled gardens first. The path leads you along winding paths edged with gorgeous flowers and bushes.






Loseley Park, Compton, Near GuildfordThese paths are the perfect size for little ones to run up and down but there are water features and fountains hidden around a few of the corners so you have to be careful.






The Moat

Loseley ParkOn the edge of the gardens, there is a small lawn with a slope hiding a sheer drop into the moat. 





The Lake

Loseley ParkThe lake is a ten minute walk from the house and walled gardens. We enjoyed a walk surrounded by waterbirds, flowers and parkland. Then, to our surprise, a beautiful deer ran across our path.




The House

Loseley ParkYou can also visit the house but we did not do this. 

It is used as a filming location, including for The Crown




RHS Membership

Loseley Park, Compton, Near GuildfordAt the time of writing, the Loseley Park gardens are free to visit with RHS membership. We would visit again but only when entry was free.  

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Visit the Loseley Park website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Guildford
County: Surrey
Nearest Postcode: GU3 1HS

Opens: Various times throughout the year and during the week. Please check their website before planning your visit.

Adult Cost Range: £10 to £14.99
Child Cost Range: £0 to £4.99
Free if: Under 5 or with RHS membership at set times.

Where to Eat: Bring a picnic or buy food from the cafe.
Facilities: Cafe, toilets, accessible toilets, picnic area, snacks, ice creams.

How Long We Spent There: 1.5 hours
Buggies: Buggy friendly

Parking: Car park by the play area.
Cost of Parking: Free

Animals You Might See: Geese, Canada geese, ducks and butterflies.

Information Written: May 2016

Visitor Information



Our visit to Loseley Park in Guildford is summarised below on the basis of free entry with RHS membership. You can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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  • Value (with free entry)
  • Would We Go Back
User Rating 0 (0 votes)
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Before taking part in any activities or visiting any places listed, you should make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision, a safe environment is provided and to check all these details are up to date before you visit and/or take part. We accept no liability (to the fullest extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided or places listed or for the accuracy of any information given.


https://toddledoddle.com/loseley-park/feed/ 0 8623