New Forest – Toddle Doddle Find Your Next Adventure Tue, 13 Feb 2024 16:59:48 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 102446132 Slip Through Secret Passages at Little Beaulieu, New Forest Sun, 11 Feb 2024 14:01:47 +0000 Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire

Your mission at Little Beaulieu is to sneak past the painting with the moving eyes and slip into the secret passage behind the bookcase. But you’ll have to find the right room first…

Little Beaulieu is the adventure play area at Beaulieu National Motor Musuem and it is a labyrinth of passages, bridges, slides and walkways.   


Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area

Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, HampshireThis fantastic adventure play area has equipment that includes:

  • a tube slide
  • other slides
  • a basket swing
  • toddler swings
  • an obstacle course
  • climbing walls
  • Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshirea fireman’s pole
  • a zip wire
  • talking tubes
  • musical instruments
  • puzzle boards.




Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, HampshireThere is also a Toddlers’ Play Area for children of 5 years and under, which has equipment that includes:

  • the Beaulieu open-topped bus with a slide
  • a wooden play house with a bridge, ladders and a slide
  • a sand pit with chutes, buckets and pulleys 
  • picnic tables.



Secret Passages and Paintings

Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, HampshireInside the castle there are secret passages to find and explore, including one that goes behind a bookcase





Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshireand paintings with moving eyes…







Role Play

Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, HampshireThere are places to role play too, including a race car







Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshirea jeep






Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshirea tractor






Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshireand a petrol station. 




List Play Equipment


Beaulieu National Motor Museum 

Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, HampshireAt the heart of Beaulieu is the National Motor Museum, which as you’d expect is packed full of cars





Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshireincluding famous cars like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang





Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, HampshireMr Bean’s mini.






The Monorail and Bus

Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, HampshireBeaulieu is also home to the oldest monorail in England





Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshireand an open topped bus that drives you gently around the grounds. 



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Visit the Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Hythe, near Southampton
County: Hampshire
Nearest Postcode: SO42 7ZN

Adult Cost Range: Various – please see their website for details. 
Child Cost Range: Various – please see their website for details. 
Free if: Under 5 years

Opens: Daily

Where to Eat: Cafe and picnic areas.
Facilities: Ice creams, snacks, cafe, shop, picnic areas, toilets and accessible toilets.

How Long We Spent There: 4 hours
Buggies: Buggy friendly.

Parking: There is a large car park.
Cost of Parking: Free

Information Written: January 2023

Visitor Information



Our visit to Beaulieu National Motor Museum and Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area in the New Forest is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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Before taking part in any activities or visiting any places listed, you should make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision, a safe environment is provided and to check all these details are up to date before you visit and/or take part. We accept no liability (to the fullest extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided or places listed or for the accuracy of any information given.



]]> 0 77271
Ride in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang at Beaulieu, New Forest Sun, 11 Feb 2024 13:07:38 +0000 Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshire

Beaulieu is home to all things with motors – everything from famous motors and racing motors, to model motors and vintage motors. You can race model motors at the Top Gear track, glide over motors in the monorail or play in motors at Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area.  


Beaulieu National Motor Museum 

Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, HampshireAt the heart of Beaulieu is the National Motor Museum, which as you’d expect is packed full of cars





Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshireand some motorbikes.






Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, HampshireBut mainly there are cars –






Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshireold cars






Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshirenew cars






Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshirerecord breaking cars






Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshireand famous cars like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang





Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, HampshireMr Bean’s mini






Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshireand Del Boy’s three wheeler.






Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, HampshireThere’s even a car shaped like an orange!






The Monorail 

Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, HampshireBeaulieu is also home to the oldest monorail in England,





Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshirewhich glides above the attractions






Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshireand through the museum building!







Open-Topped Bus

Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, HampshireThis dates from 1912 and drives you gently around the grounds. 






Ride in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, HampshireAt certain times of the year you can book a ride in a replica Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and also in Mr Toad’s car from the film The Wind in the Willows.

Have a look at the Beaulieu website for full details. 




World of Top Gear 

Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, HampshireThere’s also an exhibition of the cars created on ‘Top Gear’.  






Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area

Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, HampshireProbably our favourite part of the visit was Little Beaulieu, the adventure play area,





Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshirewhich is a labyrinth of secret passages and bridges,





Little Beaulieu Adventure Play Area at Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshireslides, and walkways. 






The Grounds and Cafe

Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, HampshireOn top of all that, there are gardens to explore





Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshirewith Alice in Wonderland shaped bushes





Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest, Hampshireand a cafe.



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Visit the Beaulieu National Motor Museum website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Hythe, near Southampton
County: Hampshire
Nearest Postcode: SO42 7ZN

Adult Cost Range: Various – please see their website for details. 
Child Cost Range: Various – please see their website for details. 
Free if: Under 5 years

Opens: Daily

Where to Eat: Cafe and picnic areas.
Facilities: Ice creams, snacks, cafe, shop, picnic areas, toilets and accessible toilets.

How Long We Spent There: 4 hours
Buggies: Buggy friendly.

Parking: There is a large car park.
Cost of Parking: Free

Information Written: January 2023

Visitor Information



Our visit to Beaulieu National Motor Museum in the New Forest is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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Before taking part in any activities or visiting any places listed, you should make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision, a safe environment is provided and to check all these details are up to date before you visit and/or take part. We accept no liability (to the fullest extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided or places listed or for the accuracy of any information given.



]]> 0 77196
Trap a Sea Monster on the Salterns Story Trail, Lymington Sun, 04 Feb 2024 13:45:19 +0000 Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest

Are you brave enough to step back in time to 1832 and help a salt farmer trap a sea monster? If so, The Story of Salterns, Sea Monsters and Saving the Day is the story trail* adventure for you!


The Story Trail

Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New ForestThe Story of Salterns, Sea Monsters and Saving the Day is a walk of just over a mile that guides you through the Lymington-Keyhaven Nature Reserve




Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forestand a little of its history, whilst telling you a story of salt farmers, sailors, smugglers and a huge sea monster






The Reserve

Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New ForestThe Lymington-Keyhaven Nature Reserve is an expanse of coastal lagoons, mudflats and marshes and an important nesting site for birds.  




Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New ForestIn the past it was used to farm salt. 






The Paths

The paths are flat and easy to walk along with a range of surfaces.






Finding the Reserve

Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New ForestTo find the reserve, follow the post code to Maiden Lane, where you can park. Where Maiden Lan becomes Normandy Lane, you will see this side road.




Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New ForestTo start the Story Trail, follow the road past the sailing club and you will come to this gate, which is where the story trail begins.





* Hampshire CC’s Story Trails

The Dragon of Butser Hill - The Queen Elizabeth Country Park Story Trail, WaterloovilleThis is one of Hampshire County Council’s Story Trails.

These are walks with interactive stories to read along the way, which are told by a cute character called the Story Snail.


Each Story Trail is about one mile long and divided into numbered sections. Numbered markers prompt you to read the sections of the story along the trail.



Find a Story Pack

Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New ForestTo follow the Story Trail you need a free pack that you can either borrow from a specified place (with a Hampshire Library card and a £20 returnable deposit) or download a copy of a story trail from the internet in written or audio form.

Each pack has a map to follow and the trail itself is marked with arrows and/or pictures of the Story Snail.

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Visit the The Story of Salterns, Sea Monsters and Saving the Day website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Lymington, near Christchurch in the New Forest
County: Hampshire
Nearest Postcode: SO41 8AF

Opens: Daily
Cost: Free

Where to Eat: Bring a blanket and a picnic.
Facilities: None

How Long We Spent There: 1.5 hours
Buggies: The paths are flat and easy to walk on.

Parking: You can park on Maiden Lane by the side of the road. 
Cost of Parking: Free.

Wildlife You Might See: Birds and seabirds.

Information Written: July 2022

Visitor Information



Our visit to Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve and the Salterns Story Trail in the New Forest is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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Before taking part in any activities or visiting any places listed, you should make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision, a safe environment is provided and to check all these details are up to date before you visit and/or take part. We accept no liability (to the fullest extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided or places listed or for the accuracy of any information given.



]]> 0 76724
Spot Salterns at the Lymington-Keyhaven Nature Reserve Sun, 04 Feb 2024 13:00:37 +0000 Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forest

For hundreds of years, people have used the coastal lagoons of The Solent to trap sea water and create salt. Today some can be seen at the Lymington-Keyhaven Nature Reserve, which has boats and birds to spot and also a story trail called The Story of Salterns, Sea Monsters and Saving the Day.


The Reserve

Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New ForestThe Lymington-Keyhaven Nature Reserve is an expanse of coastal lagoons, mudflats and marshes and an important nesting site for birds.  




Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New ForestThe mud flats look very different at high





Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forestand low tide.







Salt Production

Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New ForestTo produce salt, coastal lagoons were built into salt docks, called Salterns, which trapped the sea water.





Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New ForestThe sea water was left to evaporate and, once reduced to a salty solution, it was heated in metal pans until only salt crystals were left.  




Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New ForestAll that remains of this industry are the lagoons and this building, which was once a salt barn.

You can find this between points 4 and 5 on the Story Trail map




The Story Trail

Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New ForestThe Story of Salterns, Sea Monsters and Saving the Day is a story trail that takes you back to 1832 and the life of a salt farmer as they meet sailors, smugglers and a huge sea monster




The Paths

The paths are flat and easy to walk along with a range of surfaces.






Finding the Reserve

Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New ForestTo find the reserve, follow the post code to Maiden Lane, where you can park. Where Maiden Lan becomes Normandy Lane, you will see this side road.

You can either take the small footpath on your left (next to the green bin in the photo)


Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve near Christchurch, New Forestor follow the road a little further and enter the reserve through this gate, which is where the story trail begins.


Read More


Visit the Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Lymington, near Christchurch in the New Forest
County: Hampshire
Nearest Postcode: SO41 8AF

Opens: Daily
Cost: Free

Where to Eat: Bring a blanket and a picnic.
Facilities: None

How Long We Spent There: 1.5 hours
Buggies: The paths are flat and easy to walk on.

Parking: You can park on Maiden Lane by the side of the road. 
Cost of Parking: Free.

Wildlife You Might See: Birds and seabirds.

Information Written: July 2022

Visitor Information



Our visit to Lymington and Keyhaven Marshes Local Nature Reserve and the Salterns Story Trail in the New Forest is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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Before taking part in any activities or visiting any places listed, you should make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision, a safe environment is provided and to check all these details are up to date before you visit and/or take part. We accept no liability (to the fullest extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided or places listed or for the accuracy of any information given.



]]> 0 76669
Meet Peppa Pig in Peppa Pig World at Paultons Park Sat, 20 Jan 2024 11:50:56 +0000 Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire

Ever wished to ride in Daddy Pig’s car, on Grandpa Pig’s train or George’s dinosaur? If you love the Peppa Pig stories then consider spending the day at Paultons Park where you can immerse yourselves in Peppa Pig’s World.


Paultons Park

Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, HampshirePaultons Park itself is a family theme park that also has





Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshiredinosaurs to spot






Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshireanimals to watch






Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshireadventure play areas and splash pads






Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshirea wide variety of rides for all ages






Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshireand a train and several garden walks for anyone who prefers something a little more gentle. 





Peppa Pig World

Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, HampshireThis Peppa Pig themed part of the park brings the Peppa Pig stories, characters and illustrations to life and allows you to explore Peppa’s town





Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshiremeet her family and friends






Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire ride in their trains and boats






Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshirecars and helicopters






Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshireand even meet Peppa herself. 






Peppa Pig Prep!

Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, HampshireBelieve it or not, we visited Peppa Pig World without having watched or read anything about Peppa Pig!





Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, HampshireWe still enjoyed our first visit, even without knowing the characters, but reading the books definitely made subsequent visits more magical!





George’s Spaceship Playzone

Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, HampshireThis is a soft play area with slides and climbing frames





Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshireas well as an area for smaller children. 







Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, HampshireDinosaurs roam around the Lost Kingdom!

We spotted several, including Tyrannosaurus rex, Triceratops, Velociraptors and the staggeringly large Argentinosaurus. 



Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, HampshireThe Dinosaur Tour Co. offer dinosaur safaris by Jeep! 






Water Kingdom

Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, HampshirePaultons Park has two splash parks – a large splash pad with tipping buckets, fountains and water shooters and another smaller one called Muddy Puddles.




Adventure Play Areas

Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World, Romsey, HampshireThere are three adventure play areas, including one that is themed around Mr Potato from Peppa Pig and another dinosaur-themed one where you can dig for fossils. 

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Visit the Paultons Park website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Romsey, Near Southampton
County: Hampshire
Nearest Postcode: SO51 6AL

Adult Cost Range: Various prices depending on when you go. Please see their website for details.
Child Cost Range: Various prices depending on when you go. Please see their website for details.
Free if: Under 1 metre tall

Opens: Various times and days throughout the year. Please see their website for details.

Where to Eat: Various restaurants, cafes and picnic areas.
Facilities: Toilets, accessible toilets, shops, cafes, snacks and ice creams.

How Long We Spent There: 5 hours
Buggies: Buggy friendly 

Parking: Large car parks
Cost of Parking: Free

Wildlife you might see: Penguins, giant tortoises, flamingos, pelicans, tropical birds, owls, fish, lizards and insects.

Information Written: July 2017
Information Checked: April 2021

Visitor Information



Our visit to Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World in Romsey is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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Before taking part in any activities or visiting any places listed, you should make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision, a safe environment is provided and to check all these details are up to date before you visit and/or take part. We accept no liability (to the fullest extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided or places listed or for the accuracy of any information given.



]]> 0 65687
Try the Spooky Maze at the Pumpkin Picking Patch, Fordingbridge Wed, 25 Oct 2023 09:00:15 +0000 Pumpkin Picking at the Pumpkin Picking Patch, Fordingbridge, Hampshire Pumpkin Picking at the Pumpkin Picking Patch, Fordingbridge, Hampshire Pumpkin Picking at the Pumpkin Picking Patch, Fordingbridge, Hampshire Pumpkin Picking at the Pumpkin Picking Patch, Fordingbridge, Hampshire Pumpkin Picking at the Pumpkin Picking Patch, Fordingbridge, Hampshire Pumpkin Picking at the Pumpkin Picking Patch, Fordingbridge, Hampshire Pumpkin Picking at the Pumpkin Picking Patch, Fordingbridge, Hampshire Pumpkin Picking at the Pumpkin Picking Patch, Fordingbridge, Dorset Pumpkin Picking at the Pumpkin Picking Patch, Fordingbridge, Hampshire Pumpkin Picking at the Pumpkin Picking Patch, Fordingbridge, Hampshire Pumpkin Picking at the Pumpkin Picking Patch, Fordingbridge, Hampshire Pumpkin Picking at the Pumpkin Picking Patch, Fordingbridge, Hampshire Pumpkin Picking at the Pumpkin Picking Patch, Fordingbridge, Hampshire Pumpkin Picking at the Pumpkin Picking Patch, Fordingbridge, Hampshire Pumpkin Picking at the Pumpkin Picking Patch, Fordingbridge, Hampshire Pumpkin Picking at the Pumpkin Picking Patch, Fordingbridge, Hampshire Pumpkin Picking at the Pumpkin Picking Patch, Fordingbridge, Hampshire Pumpkin Picking at the Pumpkin Picking Patch, Fordingbridge, Hampshire Pumpkin Picking at the Pumpkin Picking Patch, Fordingbridge, Hampshire Pumpkin Picking at the Pumpkin Picking Patch, Fordingbridge, Hampshire Pumpkin Picking at the Pumpkin Picking Patch, Fordingbridge, Hampshire Pumpkin Picking at the Pumpkin Picking Patch, Fordingbridge, Hampshire Pumpkin Picking at the Pumpkin Picking Patch, Fordingbridge, Hampshire Pumpkin Picking at the Pumpkin Picking Patch, Fordingbridge, Hampshire

Fordingbridge Pumpkin Picking Patch is full of pumpkins of all shapes and sizes. There is also a Halloween Maize Maze – daytimes are child friendly but things become more spooky at night in the Twighlight Maze…


The Maize Maze

Pumpkin Picking at the Pumpkin Picking Patch, Fordingbridge, HampshireThe maze hides things like a skeleton on a bike, a giant spider’s web





Pumpkin Picking at the Pumpkin Picking Patch, Fordingbridge, Hampshireand a witch’s cottage. 






The Pumpkin Patch

Pumpkin Picking at Fordingbridge Pumpkin Pastures, Fordingbridge, DorsetScattered around the field are information boards, scarecrows,





Pumpkin Picking at Fordingbridge Pumpkin Pastures, Fordingbridge, Dorseta house made of pumpkins






Pumpkin Picking at the Pumpkin Picking Patch, Fordingbridge, Hampshireand pumpkins of all shapes and sizes. 






Halloween Arts and Crafts

Pumpkin Picking at Fordingbridge Pumpkin Pastures, Fordingbridge, DorsetThere is also a refreshments tent with Halloween themed arts and crafts.

We made a witch’s broom and a tin can bat. 





Pumpkin Picking at the Pumpkin Picking Patch, Fordingbridge, DorsetThere are wheelbarrows that are free to use but bring something to put your pumpkins in when you get to the car.





Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud

Pumpkin Picking at Fordingbridge Pumpkin Pastures, Fordingbridge, DorsetThis is an outdoor venue and can be very, very muddy. Be sure to bring wellies just in case!


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Visit the Fordingbridge Pumpkin Picking Patch website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Fordingbridge, New Forest
County: Hampshire
Nearest Postcode: SP6 1AN

Opens: Various dates in October. Please see their website for details. 
Cost: Free entry to the pumpkin picking field. The Halloween Maize Maze is £6.50 per person and free for those under 2 years.

Where to Eat: Refreshments tent
Facilities: Ice creams, refreshments, toilets and accessible toilets.

How Long We Spent There: 2 hours
Buggies: You could take a buggy but it can be very muddy.

Parking: There is a large car park that can become very muddy. 
Cost of Parking: Free

Information Written: October 2020
Information Checked: October 2023

Visitor Information



Our visit to Fordingbridge Pumpkin Picking Patch is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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Before taking part in any activities or visiting any places listed, you should make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision, a safe environment is provided and to check all these details are up to date before you visit and/or take part. We accept no liability (to the fullest extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided or places listed or for the accuracy of any information given.



]]> 0 70424
Find Fairies and Fossils at Lepe Country Park, Exbury Sun, 04 Jun 2023 18:42:37 +0000 Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire D Day Remnants at Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire D Day Remnants at Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach Fossil Hunting and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach Fossil Hunting and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire D Day Remnants at Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach Adventure Play Area and Lepe Country Park Adventure Play Area in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach Adventure Play Area and Lepe Country Park Adventure Play Area in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach Adventure Play Area and Lepe Country Park Adventure Play Area in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach Adventure Play Area and Lepe Country Park Adventure Play Area in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach Fossil Hunting and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire

Lepe Country Park is one of those rare places where you can fill an entire day with everything or nothing! 


Lepe Country Park

Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest HampshireIf you need an energy busting day then plan on paddling, sand castles and fossil finding before the tide comes in and then fairy door hunts, adventure play and a nature walk.




Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest HampshireOr if you just want somewhere to relax, just sit back and enjoy the view.

Have a look at the Lepe Country Park website’s map for an overview of the activities on offer.




The Meadows

Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest HampshireAlternatively, walk towards the east end of the beach past wild flower meadows on one side and the sea on the other.




Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest HampshireThis is a buggy friendly route that leads you to the beach, Lepe Point and Stansore Point, where the path becomes much sandier.





Lepe Point Nature Reserve

Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest HampshireLepe Point Nature Reserve, is a protected area of woodland and meadows with a boardwalk, pond and bird hide.





Stansore Point

Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest HampshireStansore Point is a good place to sit and enjoy the view, whether you want to watch huge ships cruise The Solent or gaze across at the Isle of Wight.





The D-Day Remnants

D Day Remnants at Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest HampshireThere are D-Day remnants near Stansore Point, including pier heads, construction platforms and slip ways.




Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest HampshireYou can see pictures and find further details on the New Forest Remembers website.





Fossil Finding

Lepe Beach Fossil Hunting and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest HampshireAt Stansore Point it is also possible to find fossils of shells, plants and mammal bones, including mammoth bones. I understand it is best to look when the tide is out and to bring wellies in case the clay is exposed. Have a look at the UK Fossil Collecting website for full details.

You can also have a look at the western end of the beach where you can find fossil shells and corals. 



The Dinosaur Footprint

Lepe Country Park Fossil Hunting, Exbury, Hampshire

Inside the Visitor Centre is a dinosaur footprint, which was found at Lepe. It is on the floor on the right of the desk by the window.

Please see the Family Fun section of the Lepe website for further details as well as printable activities you can take with you or try at home!



The Fairy Door Trails

Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest HampshireThere are two trails to choose from – one through the Sensory Garden and another across the wild flower meadows and cliffs.

The doors are marked on a map and are each in a different type of tree with a little explanation about the kind of fairy living inside. 



The Beach

Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest HampshireThere is a family beach area, which is a very short walk from the car park. 





Lepe Country Park and Beach, Exbury, HampshireFurther down the beach, low tide reveals a spit of land where we found crabs amongst the rocks, dug holes to catch the sea, built up huge sand castles and found interesting stones, including one of the bone shaped ‘fossils’ mentioned above.

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The Play Area

Lepe Country Park Adventure Play Area in Exbury, HampshireThe Lepe Country Park Play Area is a wooden adventure play area with equipment that includes:

  • a swing
  • a toddler swing
  • a basket swing
  • insect shaped springers
  • a seesaw
  • Lepe Beach Adventure Play Area and Lepe Country Park Adventure Play Area in Exbury, New Forest Hampshireplay houses
  • a double slide with easy to climb stairs
  • an obstacle course with logs, stumps, ropes and nets
  • a wooden climbing frame
  • a snake balance trail
  • picnic tables
  • seats.

List Play Equipment


Visit the Lepe Country Park website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Exbury, New Forest
County: Hampshire
Nearest Postcode: SO45 1AD

Opens: Daily
Cost: Free

Where to Eat: Try the cafe or bring a picnic.
Facilities: Cafe, picnic area, snacks, ice creams, barbecues, toilets and accessible toilets.

How Long We Spent There: 4 hours
Buggies: There are some pathways that are buggy friendly along the seafront.  The beach itself can be hard to push a buggy along because it is divided by wooden posts, many of which have rotted to near sand level and are splintered in places.

Parking: There are two pay and display car parks – one next to the play area and fairy trails and another next to the beach, Visitor Centre and cafe. These are connected by stairs that lead down to the beach but we drove between the two because we were using a buggy. We parked easily in both but it must be very busy at peak times.
Cost of Parking: For April to September start at £2.50 for one hour and an all day ticket costs £9.50.

Wildlife You Might See: Seaside wildlife, seabirds and other birds, butterflies and other insects.

Information Written: September 2017
Information Checked: May 2023

Visitor Information



Our visit to Lepe Country Park in Exbury in the New Forest is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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Before taking part in any activities or visiting any places listed, you should make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision, a safe environment is provided and to check all these details are up to date before you visit and/or take part. We accept no liability (to the fullest extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided or places listed or for the accuracy of any information given.



]]> 0 62342
Play by the Sea at Lepe Country Park Play Area, Exbury Sun, 04 Jun 2023 17:10:56 +0000 Lepe Beach Adventure Play Area and Lepe Country Park Adventure Play Area in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach Adventure Play Area and Lepe Country Park Adventure Play Area in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach Adventure Play Area and Lepe Country Park Adventure Play Area in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach Adventure Play Area and Lepe Country Park Adventure Play Area in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach Adventure Play Area and Lepe Country Park Adventure Play Area in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach Adventure Play Area and Lepe Country Park Adventure Play Area in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach Adventure Play Area and Lepe Country Park Adventure Play Area in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach Adventure Play Area and Lepe Country Park Adventure Play Area in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach Adventure Play Area and Lepe Country Park Adventure Play Area in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach Adventure Play Area and Lepe Country Park Adventure Play Area in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire D Day Remnants at Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach Fossil Hunting and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire

The Lepe Country Park Play Area is one of only a handful of beachside play areas I have found and it’s a beauty, with views across The Solent and out to the Isle of Wight. 

What makes this play area extra special is that the surrounding Lepe Country Park is packed with fun things to do on and off the beach.


Lepe Beach Adventure Play Area and Lepe Country Park Adventure Play Area in Exbury, New Forest HampshireThe wooden play equipment includes:

  • a swing
  • a toddler swing
  • a basket swing
  • insect shaped springers
  • a seesaw
  • play houses
  • Lepe Country Park Adventure Play Area in Exbury, Hampshirea double slide with easy to climb stairs
  • an obstacle course with logs, stumps, ropes and nets
  • a wooden climbing frame
  • a snake balance trail
  • picnic tables
  • seats.

List Play Equipment


Lepe Country Park

Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest HampshireLepe Country Park has a huge range of activities on offer.

If you need an energy busting day then plan on paddling, sand castles and fossil finding before the tide comes in and then fairy door hunts, adventure play and a nature walk.



Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest HampshireOr if you just want somewhere to relax, just sit back and enjoy the view.

Have a look at the Lepe Country Park website’s map for an overview of the activities on offer.

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Visit the Lepe Country Park Play Area website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Exbury, New Forest
County: Hampshire
Nearest Postcode: SO45 1AD

Opens: Daily
Cost: Free

Where to Eat: Try the cafe or bring a picnic.
Facilities: Cafe, picnic area, snacks, ice creams, barbecues, toilets and accessible toilets.

How Long We Spent There: 4 hours
Buggies: There are some pathways that are buggy friendly along the seafront.  The beach itself can be hard to push a buggy along because it is divided by wooden posts, many of which have rotted to near sand level and are splintered in places.

Parking: There are two pay and display car parks – one next to the play area and another next to the beach, Visitor Centre and cafe. These are connected by stairs that lead down to the beach but we drove between the two because we were using a buggy. We parked easily in both but it must be very busy at peak times.
Cost of Parking: For April to September start at £2.50 for one hour and an all day ticket costs £9.50.

Wildlife You Might See: Seaside wildlife, seabirds and other birds, butterflies and other insects.

Information Written: September 2017
Information Checked: May 2023

Visitor Information



Our visit to Lepe Country Park Play Area in the New Forest is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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User Rating 5 (2 votes)
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Before taking part in any activities or visiting any places listed, you should make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision, a safe environment is provided and to check all these details are up to date before you visit and/or take part. We accept no liability (to the fullest extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided or places listed or for the accuracy of any information given.



]]> 0 62348
Walk to Hurst Castle along Hurst Spit, Lymington, New Forest Sun, 08 Jan 2023 15:43:21 +0000 Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Spit and Hurst, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Spit and Hurst, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Spit and Hurst, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Spit and Hurst, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Spit and Hurst, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Spit and Hurst, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Spit and Hurst, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Spit and Hurst, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Spit and Hurst, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Spit and Hurst, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Spit and Hurst, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Spit and Hurst, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Spit and Hurst, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Spit and Hurst, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire

Hurst Spit is a shingle bank that juts into the Solent, linking Keyhaven and Hurst Castle. It has beautiful views out towards the Isle of Wight and along the Hampshire coast. 


Hurst Spit

Hurst Spit and Hurst, Lymington, New Forest, HampshireHurst Spit separates the sea and the Lymington River Estuary.  





Hurst Spit and Hurst, Lymington, New Forest, HampshireTo one side it has mudflats and salt marshes.  





Hurst Spit and Hurst, Lymington, New Forest, HampshireTo the other it has the sea and views to the Isle of Wight and the Needles. 





Hurst Spit and Hurst, Lymington, New Forest, HampshireSwimming or using inflatables in the sea here is not recommended as the currents are very strong.





Walking to Hurst Castle

Hurst Spit and Hurst, Lymington, New Forest, HampshireThe walk to the castle is about two miles and is part of the Solent Way.

It is not the easiest of walks.  Sturdy footwear is recommended and it is hard going with a buggy.



Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, HampshireYou can pick up the path to Hurst Spit and Hurst Castle from Keyhaven Car Park – just head for the Hurst Castle Ferry and then keep walking.  




Sailing to Hurst Castle

Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, HampshireIf you would like to visit Hurst Castle but don’t fancy the walk or have little ones with you, then consider the Hurst Castle ferry.  




Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, HampshireIt is a beautiful 20 minute ferry ride through salt marshes, mud flats and moored boats. 





Hurst Castle

Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, HampshireHurst Castle is an artillery fort that was built in the 16th century by Henry VIII to protect the Solent, Southampton and Portsmouth.




Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, HampshireIt is one of the best preserved of Henry VIII’s castles and had an active military role until the mid-20th century.


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Visit the Hurst Spit website

Visit the Hurst Castle website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Lymington, New Forest
County: Hampshire
Nearest Postcode: SO41 0TP takes you to Keyhaven Car Park and if you keep driving, Hurst Spit. 

Opens: Daily

Adult Cost Range: Hurst Spit is free but there are various costs for castle entry – please see the websites for details.
Child Cost Range: Hurst Spit is free but there are various costs for castle entry – please see the websites for details.
Free if: Hurst Spit is free. Children under 5 years enter the castle for free.

Where to Eat: Eat at the Hurst Castle cafe or bring a picnic.
Facilities: There are toilets and accessible toilets inside Hurt Castle. There are no toilets available for people not visiting the castle. There is a cafe outside the castle that is available to all visitors.

How Long We Spent There: 4 hours
Buggies: Not buggy friendly. 

Parking: Pay and display car park at Keyhaven. 
Cost of Parking: From £3 for two hours.

Wildlife You Might See: Fish, crabs, seabirds and sea creatures.

Information Written: January 2023

Visitor Information



Our visit to Hurst Spit and Hurst Castle is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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Before taking part in any activities or visiting any places listed, you should make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision, a safe environment is provided and to check all these details are up to date before you visit and/or take part. We accept no liability (to the fullest extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided or places listed or for the accuracy of any information given.



]]> 0 73994
Take the Ferry to Hurst Castle, Lymington, New Forest Sun, 08 Jan 2023 14:38:04 +0000 Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Spit and Hurst, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Spit and Hurst, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Spit and Hurst, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Spit and Hurst, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Spit and Hurst, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire Hurst Spit and Hurst, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire

Hurst Castle is an artillery fort that was built in the 16th century by Henry VIII to protect the Solent, Southampton and Portsmouth. It is one of the best preserved of Henry VIII’s castles and had an active military role until the mid-20th century.


Hurst Castle

Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, HampshireThe castle is strategically placed at the end of Hurst Spit, halfway between the mainland and the Isle of Wight. It can only be reached by a little ferry or on foot. 




Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, HampshireThe castle is a coastal fort so it does not look like a traditional castle. It is low to the ground to make the smallest possible target for enemy ships,




Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshireand has thick walls to withstand bombardment.





Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, HampshireInside the walls is a labyrinth of passageways, stairs





Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshireand some enormous guns on display.






Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, HampshireThere are also some beautiful views from the ramparts.






The Ferry – Sailing to Hurst Castle

Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, HampshireOur favourite part of the trip was the beautiful twenty minute ferry ride on a boat that takes you past salt marshes, mud flats and moored boats.




Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, Hampshire

The ferries were running every 20 to 30 minutes when we visited. 






Hurst Spit – Walking to Hurst Castle

Hurst Spit and Hurst, Lymington, New Forest, HampshireYou can walk to the castle along Hurst Spit, which is about a two mile walk along the sea. This walk is part of the Solent Way.




Hurst Spit and Hurst, Lymington, New Forest, HampshireHurst Spit is a shingle bank that juts into The Solent, linking Keyhaven and Hurst Castle. It separates the sea from the Lymington River Estuary. 




Hurst Spit and Hurst, Lymington, New Forest, HampshireAs this walk takes you over shingle, sturdy footwear is recommended. It is hard going with a buggy.

Swimming or using inflatables in the sea here is not recommended as the currents are very strong.



Hurst Castle and Hurst Castle Ferry, Lymington, New Forest, HampshireYou can pick up the path to Hurst Spit and Hurst Castle from Keyhaven Car Park – just head for the Hurst Castle Ferry and then keep walking.  


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Visit the Hurst Castle website

Visit the Hurst Castle Ferry website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Lymington, New Forest
County: Hampshire
Nearest Postcode: SO41 0TP

Opens: There are various opening times depending on the time of year. Please see the websites for details.

Adult Cost Range: Various costs for the ferry and for castle entry – please see the websites for details.
Child Cost Range: Various costs for the ferry and for castle entry – please see the websites for details.
Free if: Under 3 years for the ferry. Under 5 years for the castle.

Where to Eat: Eat at the cafe or bring a picnic.
Facilities: There are toilets and accessible toilets inside Hurt Castle. There are no toilets available for people not visiting the castle. There is a cafe outside the castle that is available to all visitors.

How Long We Spent There: 4 hours
Buggies: Not buggy friendly but you could bring a buggy if you were prepared to leave it somewhere as you explore the castle, which has lots of steps. I wouldn’t take a buggy onto Hurst Spit as it would be too hard to push. 

Parking: Pay and display car park at Keyhaven. 
Cost of Parking: From £3 for two hours.

Wildlife You Might See: Fish, crabs, seabirds and sea creatures.

Information Written: June 2020
Information Checked: July 2022

Visitor Information



Our visit to Hurst Castle and the Hurst Castle Ferry is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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Before taking part in any activities or visiting any places listed, you should make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision, a safe environment is provided and to check all these details are up to date before you visit and/or take part. We accept no liability (to the fullest extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided or places listed or for the accuracy of any information given.



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