Military – Toddle Doddle Find Your Next Adventure Thu, 04 Apr 2024 12:24:52 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 102446132 Hunt for a Stone Age Quarry in Shere Woodlands Tue, 13 Feb 2024 19:04:22 +0000 West Hanger in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey Hills West Hanger in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey Hills

A Stone Age quarry hides in the deepest parts of Shere Woodlands. Tracking it down is one of the wildest and most exciting trips I have been on since starting this site and one of those rare occasions where I actually began to feel like an explorer…


Warning: Steep and Uneven Paths!

but it is not an easy walk and involves steep hills, so this walk isn’t for everyone and should not be chosen without careful thought.





The Walk to Combe Bottom 

Trying to locate the quarry myself was the really exciting part, and actually took me two visits.

But for anyone without the luxury of time, here are the directions. 



From West Hanger Car Park there are two ways to walk down the hill to Combe Bottom but be warned, the hill is very steep – it’s not called West Hanger for nothing…





Route 1:  Along the Road

Walk out of the car park to the road. Turn right onto Staple Lane and then right again onto Combe Lane.

Follow Combe Lane down the hill, around a sharp bend to the right and you will come to this sign on the left.



West Hanger in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey HillsPlease be careful – there is no pavement and cars and cyclist use the road too. 






Route 2:  Straight Down West Hanger

Leave the car park by the path on the left and walk into the woods. 





After a short walk through the woods, you meet a trail running to your right.





Be careful – the trail is very steep and uneven





and the path may be used by mountain bikers.





Near the bottom of the hill you will see the road. 





West Hanger in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey HillsThis is Combe Lane and it runs along the bottom of the hill. 





Cross the road and walk a short way to the left, until you see the Combe Bottom sign on your right. 

Again, please be careful – there is no pavement and cars and cyclist use the road too. 




Finding the Holloway

From the Combe Bottom sign, follow the wild path for five to ten minutes, under trees,





Combe Bottom in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey Hillsthrough brambles patches






and into a holloway.






If it isn’t too overgrown, you might be able to spot the pillbox on your right. 





The route to the quarry is near the end of the holloway, up the steep bank on your left. 





Combe Bottom in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey HillsIf you reach this sign and the end of the holloway, you have gone too far.






To the Quarry!

You should now be standing on top of the steep bank with the holloway behind you.

You will notice a second holloway in front of you, which seems to run parallel to the first.

Believe it or not, this is the path to the quarry!


Combe Bottom in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey HillsFollow this to the left until you come to a fallen tree blocking the way.

This is the entrance to the lowest part of the quarry. 




A Neolithic Quarry

The only information I can find about this quarry is that it dates back to the Stone Age, or Neolithic period, and was used to quarry flint. 




Today it is a huge, bowl-shaped hole in the hillside with steep sides.






Flint Tools

As you walk back up to West Hanger car park, and pause for the odd rest or two, keep an eye out for flints lying around or amongst the roots of trees.

You may spot a flint tool!

Have a look at the Wessex Archaeology website for details of the types of flint to look out for. 


Combe Bottom

West Hanger in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey HillsCombe Bottom is part of the enchanting Shere Woodlands and sits at the bottom of West Hanger hill.




There is not much to see unless you would like to find the quarry. 



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Visit the Shere Woodlands website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Shere, near Guildford, Surrey Hills
County: Surrey
Nearest Postcode: GU5 9TE

Opens: Daily
Cost: Free

Where to Eat: Bring a picnic and a blanket or use one of the picnic tables. There is also a mobile cafe that visits (please see their website for details). 
Facilities: None

How Long We Spent There: 3 hours
Buggies: Definitely not! 

Parking: West Hanger Car Park.
Cost of Parking: Free

Wildlife You Might See: Birds, butterflies, dragonflies and other insects.

Information Written: August 2023

Visitor Information



Our visit to the Neolithic flint quarry in West Hanger and Combe Bottom in Shere Woodlands near Guildford and in the Surrey Hills is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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Before taking part in any activities or visiting any places listed, you should make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision, a safe environment is provided and to check all these details are up to date before you visit and/or take part. We accept no liability (to the fullest extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided or places listed or for the accuracy of any information given.



]]> 0 77487
Be Enchanted by West Hanger, Shere Woodlands Tue, 13 Feb 2024 11:50:25 +0000 West Hanger in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey Hills West Hanger in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey Hills West Hanger in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey Hills West Hanger in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey Hills West Hanger in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey Hills West Hanger in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey Hills West Hanger in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey Hills West Hanger in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey Hills West Hanger in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey Hills West Hanger in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey Hills West Hanger in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey Hills West Hanger in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey Hills West Hanger in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey Hills West Hanger in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey Hills West Hanger in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey Hills Combe Bottom in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey Hills Combe Bottom in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey Hills Combe Bottom in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey Hills Combe Bottom in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey Hills Combe Bottom in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey Hills Combe Bottom in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey Hills Combe Bottom in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey Hills

There is something magical about West Hanger in Shere Woodlands. Maybe it’s the paths that twist past old, gnarled trees, secret hideouts and quiet copses. Maybe it’s the Stone Age flint quarry and WWII remnants. Maybe it’s the shady peace and quiet and the gorgeous views. Whatever it is, prepare to be enchanted!


Shere Woodlands

West Hanger in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey HillsThe woods have a wild and enchanted feel.







West Hanger in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey HillsPools of water collect amongst the beech tree roots





West Hanger in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey Hillshidden pathways lead you to secret dens





Shere Woodlands, Shere, Surrey Hillsand the trees seem almost alive.






West Hanger in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey HillsThis is a special spot for us and we often come here to tell fairy tales about the creatures who might live here. 





The View

West Hanger in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey HillsIf you follow a path through the woods, you eventually come to a bench that looks out over the hills.

It is a wonderful spot to watch the sunset.




Combe Bottom

You can also walk down the hill to Combe Bottom 





a Stone Age quarry and a World War 2 pillbox…but be warned, this isn’t called West Hanger for nothing.





West Hanger in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey HillsThe path down are very steep





and uneven.







From West Hanger Car Park

West Hanger in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey HillsFrom the car park there are two paths into the woods.

The path on the left goes into the woods and is flat but bumpy, although I had no problems with an all terrain buggy.



West Hanger in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey HillsThe path to the right is the North Downs Way and is wider and smoother, although it was still rutted and muddy in places.




West Hanger in Shere Woodlands in Shere, Near Guildford, Surrey HillsBoth paths join up just before the view point.



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Visit the Shere Woodlands website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Shere, near Guildford, Surrey Hills
County: Surrey
Nearest Postcode: GU5 9TE

Opens: Daily
Cost: Free

Where to Eat: Bring a picnic and a blanket or use one of the picnic tables. There is also a mobile cafe that visits (see the website for details). 
Facilities: None

How Long We Spent There: 3 hours
Buggies: We used a buggy on the paths on top of the hill but the paths down the hill are much too steep. 

Parking: West Hanger car park
Cost of Parking: Free.

Wildlife You Might See: Birds, butterflies, dragonflies and other insects.

Information Written: August 2016
Information Checked: August 2023

Visitor Information



Our visit to West Hanger and Combe Bottom in Shere Woodlands near Guildford and in the Surrey Hills is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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Before taking part in any activities or visiting any places listed, you should make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision, a safe environment is provided and to check all these details are up to date before you visit and/or take part. We accept no liability (to the fullest extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided or places listed or for the accuracy of any information given.



]]> 0 9242
Find Fairies and Fossils at Lepe Country Park, Exbury Sun, 04 Jun 2023 18:42:37 +0000 Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire D Day Remnants at Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire D Day Remnants at Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach Fossil Hunting and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach Fossil Hunting and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire D Day Remnants at Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach Adventure Play Area and Lepe Country Park Adventure Play Area in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach Adventure Play Area and Lepe Country Park Adventure Play Area in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach Adventure Play Area and Lepe Country Park Adventure Play Area in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach Adventure Play Area and Lepe Country Park Adventure Play Area in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire Lepe Beach Fossil Hunting and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest Hampshire

Lepe Country Park is one of those rare places where you can fill an entire day with everything or nothing! 


Lepe Country Park

Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest HampshireIf you need an energy busting day then plan on paddling, sand castles and fossil finding before the tide comes in and then fairy door hunts, adventure play and a nature walk.




Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest HampshireOr if you just want somewhere to relax, just sit back and enjoy the view.

Have a look at the Lepe Country Park website’s map for an overview of the activities on offer.




The Meadows

Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest HampshireAlternatively, walk towards the east end of the beach past wild flower meadows on one side and the sea on the other.




Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest HampshireThis is a buggy friendly route that leads you to the beach, Lepe Point and Stansore Point, where the path becomes much sandier.





Lepe Point Nature Reserve

Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest HampshireLepe Point Nature Reserve, is a protected area of woodland and meadows with a boardwalk, pond and bird hide.





Stansore Point

Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest HampshireStansore Point is a good place to sit and enjoy the view, whether you want to watch huge ships cruise The Solent or gaze across at the Isle of Wight.





The D-Day Remnants

D Day Remnants at Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest HampshireThere are D-Day remnants near Stansore Point, including pier heads, construction platforms and slip ways.




Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest HampshireYou can see pictures and find further details on the New Forest Remembers website.





Fossil Finding

Lepe Beach Fossil Hunting and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest HampshireAt Stansore Point it is also possible to find fossils of shells, plants and mammal bones, including mammoth bones. I understand it is best to look when the tide is out and to bring wellies in case the clay is exposed. Have a look at the UK Fossil Collecting website for full details.

You can also have a look at the western end of the beach where you can find fossil shells and corals. 



The Dinosaur Footprint

Lepe Country Park Fossil Hunting, Exbury, Hampshire

Inside the Visitor Centre is a dinosaur footprint, which was found at Lepe. It is on the floor on the right of the desk by the window.

Please see the Family Fun section of the Lepe website for further details as well as printable activities you can take with you or try at home!



The Fairy Door Trails

Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest HampshireThere are two trails to choose from – one through the Sensory Garden and another across the wild flower meadows and cliffs.

The doors are marked on a map and are each in a different type of tree with a little explanation about the kind of fairy living inside. 



The Beach

Lepe Beach and Lepe Country Park in Exbury, New Forest HampshireThere is a family beach area, which is a very short walk from the car park. 





Lepe Country Park and Beach, Exbury, HampshireFurther down the beach, low tide reveals a spit of land where we found crabs amongst the rocks, dug holes to catch the sea, built up huge sand castles and found interesting stones, including one of the bone shaped ‘fossils’ mentioned above.

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The Play Area

Lepe Country Park Adventure Play Area in Exbury, HampshireThe Lepe Country Park Play Area is a wooden adventure play area with equipment that includes:

  • a swing
  • a toddler swing
  • a basket swing
  • insect shaped springers
  • a seesaw
  • Lepe Beach Adventure Play Area and Lepe Country Park Adventure Play Area in Exbury, New Forest Hampshireplay houses
  • a double slide with easy to climb stairs
  • an obstacle course with logs, stumps, ropes and nets
  • a wooden climbing frame
  • a snake balance trail
  • picnic tables
  • seats.

List Play Equipment


Visit the Lepe Country Park website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Exbury, New Forest
County: Hampshire
Nearest Postcode: SO45 1AD

Opens: Daily
Cost: Free

Where to Eat: Try the cafe or bring a picnic.
Facilities: Cafe, picnic area, snacks, ice creams, barbecues, toilets and accessible toilets.

How Long We Spent There: 4 hours
Buggies: There are some pathways that are buggy friendly along the seafront.  The beach itself can be hard to push a buggy along because it is divided by wooden posts, many of which have rotted to near sand level and are splintered in places.

Parking: There are two pay and display car parks – one next to the play area and fairy trails and another next to the beach, Visitor Centre and cafe. These are connected by stairs that lead down to the beach but we drove between the two because we were using a buggy. We parked easily in both but it must be very busy at peak times.
Cost of Parking: For April to September start at £2.50 for one hour and an all day ticket costs £9.50.

Wildlife You Might See: Seaside wildlife, seabirds and other birds, butterflies and other insects.

Information Written: September 2017
Information Checked: May 2023

Visitor Information



Our visit to Lepe Country Park in Exbury in the New Forest is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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Before taking part in any activities or visiting any places listed, you should make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision, a safe environment is provided and to check all these details are up to date before you visit and/or take part. We accept no liability (to the fullest extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided or places listed or for the accuracy of any information given.



]]> 0 62342
Conquer Soldier’s Ring and Crooksbury Hill, Near Farnham Wed, 18 May 2022 15:39:37 +0000 Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, Surrey Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, Surrey Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, Surrey Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, Surrey Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, Surrey Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, Surrey Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, Surrey Soldier's Ring Hill Fort, Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, Surrey Soldier's Ring Hill Fort, Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, Surrey Soldier's Ring Hill Fort, Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, Surrey Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, Surrey Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, Surrey Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, Surrey

Crooksbury Hill is guarded by Soldier’s Ring, an ancient hill fort now hidden by woodland. Climbing the hill is a mini-adventure. The steep paths rise through dappled woodland, under tumbling heathers and past enormous ant hills.  


At the Top

Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, SurreyThe views from the top of Crooksbury Hill are spectacular.

On a clear day you can see across the Surrey Hills, including Butser Hill, Gibbet Hill and Selbourne Common



The Woods

Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, SurreyThe woods on the top of the hill are shady and peaceful, with huge logs to climb on and den building opportunities.




Soldier’s Ring Hill Fort

Soldier's Ring Hill Fort, Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, SurreySoldier’s Ring is a small hill fort that may date from the Bronze or Iron Age. It is now a large, flat area of woodland surrounded by walls made from earth. 




Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, SurreyTo find Soldier’s Ring from the view point on the top of Crooksbury Hill, follow the path behind the trig point. This leads you down the other side of the hill and into the woods.




Soldier's Ring Hill Fort, Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, SurreyThe entrance to Soldier’s Ring is about halfway down this path and is marked by this gate.





Soldier's Ring Hill Fort, Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, SurreyFrom here you can see the walls surrounding the hill fort.





The Paths

Soldier's Ring Hill Fort, Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, SurreyThere are three paths that lead up Crooksbury Hill, none of these are gentle or buggy friendly.  I found the path on the left of the Botany Hill car park was the easiest.

Walking up the hill along any of these paths takes 5 to 10 minutes but factor in a little extra time for little ones. 


The Path From Crooksbury Hill Car Park

Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, SurreyThis path goes straight up the hill.  It starts by the information board in the picnic area, is very steep and has steps of various heights all the way up.  




The Paths From Botany Hill Car Park

Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, SurreyThere are two paths from this little car park that both lead through the woods to the view point.  Neither of these have stairs but they are both steep and uneven in places.  




Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, SurreyThe path on the right of the car park takes you along the base of Soldier’s Ring and then up to the Crooksbury Hill view point.  




Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, SurreyThe path on the left takes you up through Soldier’s Ring and then to the top of Crooksbury Hill. 


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Visit the Crooksbury Hill website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Farnham
County: Surrey
Nearest Postcode: GU10 1RF

Opens: Daily
Cost: Free

Where to Eat: Bring a picnic. 
Facilities: Picnic area at Crooskbury Hill car park. 

How Long We Spent There: 2 hours
Buggies: All paths up Crooksbury Hill are steep so I wouldn’t recommend a buggy. 

Parking: Crooksbury Hill car park is on Crooksbury Road (GU10 1RF) and a much smaller, unmarked car park on Botany Hill (GU10 1LY).
Cost of Parking: Free

Wildlife You Might See: Slow worms, lizards, birds, butterflies, wood ants and other insects.

Information Written: August 2016
Information Checked: May 2022

Visitor Information



Our visit to Crooksbury Hill and Soldier’s Ring in Farnham is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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Before taking part in any activities or visiting any places listed, you should make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision, a safe environment is provided and to check all these details are up to date before you visit and/or take part. We accept no liability (to the fullest extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided or places listed or for the accuracy of any information given.



]]> 0 24561
Scramble Along the Natural Play Trail at Box Hill, Dorking Sat, 07 Aug 2021 15:56:15 +0000 Box Hill Natural Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill Natural Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill Natural Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill Natural Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill Natural Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill Natural Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill Natural Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill Fort, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey The Box Hill Stepping Stones, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey

Scattered throughout the woods on top of Box Hill are natural play areas with balance courses, ropes, logs, tree climbing, dens and a fort. This is called the Box Hill Natural Play Trail and it’s a fantastic way to liven up a walk in the woods. My kids love it.


The Natural Play Trail

Box Hill Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, SurreyThe Natural Play Trail include things like:

  • a tree to climb through
  • a see saw made of planks and logs
  • a fort with tunnels
  • log balance beams
  • ropes to climb on
  • Box Hill Natural Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, Surreylogs to edge along
  • areas to build dens
  • areas to climb trees


List Play Equipment


Box Hill

Box Hill, Dorking, SurreyAs well as the Natural Play Trail, Box Hill also has picturesque views, mini-beasts, a cafe, Visitor Centre and Discovery Zone. 




Box Hill Fort

Box Hill Fort, Box Hill, Dorking, SurreyThe Box Hill Fort was one of a series of forts built in the 1890s to enable London to defend itself from invasion. It was used again during WW2. 




The Stepping Stones

The Box Hill Stepping Stones, Box Hill, Dorking, SurreyThe River Mole flows along the foot of Box Hill and can be crossed by jumping between the famous Stepping Stones




The Box Hill Stepping Stones, Box Hill, Dorking, SurreyTo find the Stepping Stones you can either walk down the hill or drive to the Stepping Stones car park (see below).  




The Box Hill Stepping Stones, Box Hill, Dorking, SurreyFrom April to June the air is heavy with the unmistakable scent of wild garlic.


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Visit the Box Hill website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Dorking
County: Surrey
Nearest Postcodes: Box Hill: KT20 7LB – note that his does not seem to work for all sat navs so follow signs once you start to see them. The Stepping Stones: RH5 6AE – keep an eye out for the car park as it is easy to miss. 

Opens: Daily
Cost: Free

Where to Eat: Eat at the cafe or bring a picnic.
Facilities: Cafe, snacks, ice cream, shop, toilets, accessible toilets, picnic areas. 

How Long We Spent There: 4 hours
Buggies: The paths around the car parks are surfaced and buggy-friendly. The paths along the play trail are muddy and uneven in places but I used an all terrain buggy without any issues. 

Parking: There are different car parks to choose from –  a couple on top of Box Hill (KT20 7LB – can be unreliable so follow signs as soon as you see them) and another by the Stepping Stones (RH5 6AE). They all become very busy and are often full by mid-morning. 
Cost of Parking: Free for National Trust members; from £1.50 per hour for non-members.

Wildlife You Might See: Birds, butterflies and other insects.

First Visit: June 2018
Last Visit: June 2021

Visitor Information



Our visit to Box Hill and the Box Hill Natural Play Trail in Dorking is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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Before taking part in any activities or visiting any places listed, you should make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision, a safe environment is provided and to check all these details are up to date before you visit and/or take part. We accept no liability (to the fullest extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided or places listed or for the accuracy of any information given.



]]> 0 70311
Adventure Up, Down and Around Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Hills Sat, 07 Aug 2021 12:22:35 +0000 Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill Fort, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill Fort, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill Natural Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill Natural Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill Natural Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill Natural Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill Natural Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill Natural Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill Natural Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey Box Hill Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey The Box Hill Stepping Stones, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey The Box Hill Stepping Stones, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey

With picturesque views to admire, mini-beasts to discover, stepping stones to navigate and a natural play trail to tackle, Box Hill is a perfect spot for an adventure and we love it!


At the Top of Box Hill

The Natural Play Trail

Box Hill Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, SurreyScattered throughout the woods on top of Box Hill are natural play areas that form the Box Hill Natural Play Trail. It has balance courses




Box Hill Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, Surreya seesaw





Box Hill Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, Surreyropes and





Box Hill Natural Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, Surreya tunnel.





Box Hill Play Trail, Box Hill, Dorking, SurreyIt’s a fantastic way to liven up a walk in the woods. 





Box Hill

Box Hill, Dorking, SurreyAt the top of Box Hill there are several viewing points, a cafe, Visitor Centre and Discovery Zone but this was shut when I visited. 




Box Hill Fort

Box Hill Fort, Box Hill, Dorking, SurreyBox Hill Fort was part of a series of forts built in the 1890s to enable London to defend itself from invasion. It was used again during WW2. 




At the Bottom of Box Hill

The Stepping Stones

The Box Hill Stepping Stones, Box Hill, Dorking, SurreyThe River Mole flows along the foot of Box Hill and can be crossed by jumping between the famous Box Hill Stepping Stones




The Box Hill Stepping Stones, Box Hill, Dorking, SurreyFrom here you can either continue on up Box Hill or stop and have a paddle or pond dip in the river. 




The Box Hill Stepping Stones, Box Hill, Dorking, SurreyFrom April to June the air is heavy with the unmistakable scent of wild garlic.


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Visit the Box Hill website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Dorking
County: Surrey
Nearest Postcodes: Box Hill: KT20 7LB – note that his does not seem to work for all sat navs so follow signs once you start to see them. The Stepping Stones: RH5 6AE – keep an eye out for the car park as it is easy to miss. 

Opens: Daily
Cost: Free

Where to Eat: Eat at the cafe or bring a picnic.
Facilities: Cafe, snacks, ice cream, shop, toilets, accessible toilets, picnic areas. 

How Long We Spent There: 4 hours
Buggies: The paths around the car parks are surfaced and buggy-friendly. The paths along the play trail are muddy and uneven in places but I used an all terrain buggy without any issues. 

Parking: There are different car parks to choose from –  a couple on top of Box Hill (KT20 7LB – can be unreliable so follow signs as soon as you see them) and another by the Stepping Stones (RH5 6AE). They all become very busy and are often full by mid-morning. 
Cost of Parking: Free for National Trust members; from £1.50 per hour for non-members.

Wildlife You Might See: Birds, butterflies and other insects.

Information Written: June 2018
Information Checked: June 2021

Visitor Information



Our visit to Box Hill and the Box Hill Natural Play Trail in Dorking is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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Experience a Bygone Era at Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot Tue, 17 Dec 2019 13:59:15 +0000 Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot, Oxfordshire Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot, Oxfordshire Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot, Oxfordshire Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot, Oxfordshire Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot, Oxfordshire Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot, Oxfordshire Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot, Oxfordshire Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot, Oxfordshire Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot, Oxfordshire Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot, Oxfordshire Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot, Oxfordshire Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot, Oxfordshire Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot, Oxfordshire Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot, Oxfordshire Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot, Oxfordshire Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot, Oxfordshire Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot, Oxfordshire Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot, Oxfordshire Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot, Oxfordshire

We were surprised by how much there is to see at Didcot Railway Centre. As well as two operational railway lines and a science exhibition, there is a turntable, a workshop, a World War 2 air raid shelter and an engine shed full of enormous locomotives you can touch and, in some cases, climb into.

Many of the buildings at Didcot are mentioned in the Thomas the Tank Engine books and our visit really brought these stories to life. 


The Engines

Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot, OxfordshireDidcot is home to a large collection of locomotives from the Great Western Railway. Many of these have evocative names like Trojan, Teddy Bear, Bonnie Prince Charlie, Fire Fly and Lady Of Legend.




Steam Days

Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot, OxfordshireThe engines can be seen on any visit but are operational only on certain days of the year, when they can be seen shunting or pulling carriages.

To see when the engines are running, please see the Locomotive Roster on the Didcot Railway Centre website.



The Buildings

Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot, OxfordshireThe Centre still has many of the original buildings from the Great Western Railway Engine Shed that was built in 1932, including the engine shed, turntable and Coal Stage. 




The Engine Shed

Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot, OxfordshireMy children loved being inside the Engine Shed and enjoyed being able to climb inside the cabs. We couldn’t believe the size of the engines.

Some have wheels taller than I am – I had no idea! 



Coal Stage

Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot, OxfordshireThis was built to give the engines water and coal and you can often see engines being coaled during an operational day.





The Branch Line

Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot, OxfordshireThis is a short, operational railway line that runs from Didcot Halt station, past a signal box, to a transfer shed. 





The Main Line

Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot, OxfordshireAt half a mile, this is the longer of the two operational railway lines and runs from the main platform to Oxford Road station.

You can either alight here and walk back through the Centre or stay on for the ride back. 



Day Out with Thomas

Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot, OxfordshireWe visited during December for a Day Out with Thomas, which is a day when Didcot is taken over by Thomas the Tank Engine, the Fat Controller and friends. 



Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot, OxfordshireIt was a magical day. We met the Fat Controller before riding on Thomas the Tank Engine to meet Father Christmas. 





Pendon Museum

Pendon Model Railway Museum, AbingdonIf you are interested in railways then consider combining your visit with a trip to the nearby Pendon Museum, which is home to some exquisitely modelled railway landscapes.





Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot, OxfordshireI would be the first to admit that I don’t know much about trains and railways.

If I have made any mistakes in this post then please let me know so I can make the corrections! 

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Wilgrove Halt Play Area

Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot, OxfordshireConveniently located next to the picnic area, Wilgrove Halt is small play area for children from 2 to 12 years old that has trains and train station offices to role play in.


List Play Equipment


Visit the Didcot Railway Centre website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Didcot
County: Oxfordshire
Nearest Postcode: OX11 7NJ

Adult Cost Range: Various
Child Cost Range: Various
Free if: Under 3 years

Opens: Various times throughout the year. Please see the Didcot Railway Centre website for details.

Where to Eat: Try the cafe, a local pub or bring a picnic. 
Facilities: Cafe, snacks, ice creams, picnic area, toilets and accessible toilets.

How Long We Spent There: 2 hours
Buggies: Buggy friendly

Parking: Large car park
Cost of Parking: From £1.40 for the first hour.

Information Written: December 2019

Visitor Information



Our visit to the Didcot Railway Centre (on a day when the engines were operational but without Thomas) is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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Man the Cannon at Redan Hill Fort, Aldershot Fri, 04 Aug 2017 06:44:30 +0000 Canon at the Redan Hill Fortifications, Aldershot, Hampshire Redan Hill Fortifications, Aldershot, Hampshire Redan Hill Fortifications, Aldershot, Hampshire Redan Hill Fortifications, Aldershot, Hampshire Redan Hill Fortifications, Aldershot, Hampshire Canon at the Redan Hill Fortifications, Aldershot, Hampshire Redan Hill Fortifications, Aldershot, Hampshire Redan Hill Fortifications, Aldershot, Hampshire Redan Hill Play Area, Aldershot, Play area in Hampshire Redan Hill Play Area, Aldershot, Play area in Hampshire

Aldershot is home to the British Army so it is fitting that it has a recreation area complete with a reconstructed fort and a 32-pounder cannon and the nearby Redan Hill Play Area.


The History of Redan Fort

Redan Hill Fortifications, Aldershot, HampshireDuring the Crimean War, the British had been impressed by the field fortifications used by the Russians.

These fortifications, called redans and redoubts, could be built quickly to provide an easily defendable position.



Redan Hill Fortifications, Aldershot, HampshireRedans were V-shaped, often made from two embankments and a ditch, and had an open back. Redoubts were similar but fully enclosed.





Aldershot as a Training Camp

Canon at the Redan Hill Fortifications, Aldershot, HampshireAfter returning from the Crimean War, the British Army developed Aldershot as their main training camp, building field forts for training.





Redan Hill Fortifications

Canon at the Redan Hill Fortifications, Aldershot, HampshireRedan Hill Fortifications are a partial reconstruction of a training redoubt that was originally built here in 1856.

This fort was used for training until the 1860s, when it was cut through by the railway.



The Cannon

Canon at the Redan Hill Fortifications, Aldershot, HampshireAt Redan Fort you can see a 32-pounder cannon, the structure of the fortifications and a tree covered hill.

We had fun playing hide and seek around the trees and it made a good picnic spot but there is not a huge amount to do here.




The Play Area

Redan Hill Play Area, Aldershot, Play area in HampshireRedan Hill Play Area is just over the road from the fort and has equipment that includes swings and a slide.





Finding the Fort

Redan Hill Fortifications, Aldershot, HampshireRedan Fort is on Redan Road behind this black and yellow barrier.





Redan Hill Fortifications, Aldershot, HampshireThe fort is at the top of a hill. The walk takes a few minutes and the hill is not steep.


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Visit the Redan Hill Fortifications website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Aldershot
County: Hampshire
Nearest Postcode: GU12 4SJ

Opens: Daily
Cost: Free

Where to Eat: Bring a picnic and a blanket.
Facilities: None.

How Long We Spent There: 1 hour
Buggies: Buggy friendly

Parking: We could not find a car park nearby but were able to park on Windmill Road (GU12 4NJ), which runs alongside the play area and fort.
Cost of Parking: Free

Wildlife You Might See: Birds and insects, especially grasshoppers.

Information Written: June 2017

Visitor Information



Our visit to Redan Hill Play Area and Redan Hill Fortifications and Play Area in Aldershot, also known as High Street Recreation Ground in Aldershot, is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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Help Forgetful Henry Along the Odiham Castle Story Trail Mon, 13 Feb 2017 19:40:01 +0000 Odiham Castle Story Trail Odiham Castle Story Trail Odiham Castle Story Trail Odiham Castle or King John's Castle Odiham Castle Story Trail Odiham Castle Story Trail Odiham Castle Story Trail Odiham Castle or King John's Castle Odiham Castle or King John's Castle Odiham Castle Story Trail Odiham Castle Story Trail Odiham Castle Story Trail Odiham Castle Story Trail Odiham Castle Story Trail Odiham Ford

A ruined medieval castle and the beautiful Basingstoke Canal seemed the perfect settings to try one of Hampshire County Council’s Story Trails*.


The Story Trail

Odiham Castle Story TrailThe Odiham Castle Story Trail is called “Henry The Forgetful”.

It’s a funny story about Henry, a pilgrim making his way from Winchester to Canterbury. He has a couple of mishaps along the way that made my children laugh out loud.


Odiham Castle Story TrailHenry eventually encounters the French army and the soldiers garrisoned at Odiham Castle, so before starting the story it is helpful to explain some of the castle’s history (thankfully outlined in the story pack!).



The Wildlife

Odiham Castle Story TrailWe saw ducks, moorhens, grey herons and a huge white bird that turned out to be a great white egret.





Odiham Castle

Odiham Castle or King John's CastleOdiham Castle is the ruined remains of one of King John’s strongholds. 





Odiham Castle or King John's CastleBy 1605 the castle lay in ruins.

Today all that remains are the flint cores of the walls. 




Where to Start

Odiham Castle Story TrailAs the story pack suggested, we parked in Greywell village at the Fox and Goose pub (RG29 1BY).




Odiham Castle or King John's CastleTo reach the towpath from the pub, leave the car park and turn left and then immediately right onto Deptford Lane (RG29 1BS).

There are no pavements between the pub and the footpath. 



Odiham Castle Story TrailAt the end of the fir hedge on the left-hand side of the lane, is a narrow footpath.  This will take you over the Basingstoke Canal, down a short hill and onto the towpath.






The Paths

Odiham Castle Story TrailThe paths were mostly wide level but the towpath can be quite stoney.

I did not have any access issues with a double, all-terrain buggy, although it was a little muddy in places.



Hampshire CC’s Story Trails

The Dragon of Butser Hill - The Queen Elizabeth Country Park Story Trail, Waterlooville

This is one of Hampshire County Council’s Story Trails.

These are walks with interactive stories to read along the way, which are told by a cute character called the Story Snail.

Each Story Trail is about one mile long and divided into numbered sections. Numbered markers prompt you to read the sections of the story along the trail.


Find a Story Pack

Odiham Castle Story Trail

To follow the Story Trail you need a free pack that you can either borrow from a specified place (with a Hampshire Library card and a £20 returnable deposit) or download a copy of a story trail from the internet in written or audio form.

Each pack has a map to follow and the trail itself is marked with arrows and/or pictures of the Story Snail


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Visit the Odiham Castle Story Trail website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Odiham
County: Hampshire
Nearest Postcode: RG29 1BY

Opens: Daily
Cost: Free

Where to Eat: Bring a picnic and a blanket. 
Facilities: Picnic table.

How Long We Spent There: About three hours.
Buggies: Buggy friendly.

Parking: We parked in Greywell village at the Fox and Goose pub (RG29 1BY), which the story pack suggested. The pub has a car park. 
Cost of Parking: Free

Wildlife You Might See: Ducks, moorhens, herons, birds and insects. 

Information Written: February 2017

Visitor Information



Our visit to Odiham Caste Story Trail in Odiham is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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Discover and then Lay Siege to King John’s Castle, Odiham Mon, 13 Feb 2017 19:36:55 +0000 Odiham Castle or King John's Castle Odiham Castle or King John's Castle Odiham Castle or King John's Castle Odiham Castle or King John's Castle Odiham Castle or King John's Castle Odiham Castle or King John's Castle Odiham Castle or King John's Castle Odiham Castle Story Trail Odiham Castle Story Trail Odiham Castle Story Trail Odiham Castle Story Trail Odiham Castle Story Trail

Today Odiham Castle is the ruined remains of one of King John’s strongholds.

But during the 13th and 14th centuries, it witnessed a French seige, a Parliamentary session, a King’s imprisonment and arguably the last night an English ruler was above the law – King John signed the Magna Carta after spending the night at either Odiham or Windsor Castle.


Odiham Castle

Odiham Castle or King John's CastleOdiham Castle is one of only three fortresses built by King John.

When construction finished in 1214, it boasted an octagonal keep, walls finished in stone, solid wooden doors, a lead covered roof and protection from the River Whitewater, moats, banks and fences.


The Ruins

Odiham Castle Story TrailDespite all this, by 1605 the castle lay in ruins. Today all that remains are the flint cores of the walls.





Odiham Castle Story TrailYou cannot climb on these but can walk around the ruins and go inside the keep, where there are information boards about the castle and Magna Carta.






Basingstoke Canal

Odiham Castle Story TrailThe castle can be reached on foot by walking along the beautiful Basingstoke Canal towpath, either from North Warnborough or Greywell village (see below for details).




Odiham Castle Story TrailWe walked from Greywell and saw ducks, moorhens, grey herons and a huge, white bird that turned out to be a great white egret.




Henry the Forgetful

Odiham Castle Story TrailThere is a story trail available to download called “The Story of Henry The Forgetful”, which you can follow from Greywell village to the castle and back again. You can read about our walk along the Odiham Castle Story Trail.





The Paths

Odiham Castle Story TrailThe Basingstoke Canal tow path is generally wide and level but can be quite stoney.

There are no barriers between the path and the canal.




Where to Park

I’ve found two options for parking, either Tunnel Lane in North Warnborough (RG29 1HQ) or Greywell village (RG29 1BY). 


From Tunnel Lane

Odiham FordThe Basingstoke Canal goes across Tunnel Lane so is easy to find.





From Greywell Village

Odiham Castle or King John's CastleTo reach the towpath from Greywell village, take the footpath that starts on Deptford Lane (RG29 1BS), which is the road opposite the Fox and Goose pub.




Odiham Castle or King John's CastleThis path is narrow and there is a short hill down to the towpath but this did not cause us a problem and our double buggy went through without issue. Please note that there are no pavements on either Deptford Lane or Hook Road.


Hampshire County Council’s Story Trails

The Dragon of Butser Hill - The Queen Elizabeth Country Park Story Trail, Waterlooville*These are basically walks with interactive stories to read along the way, as told by a cute character called the Story Snail.

Each Story Trail is about one mile long and is divided into numbered sections that you read out as you reach number markers along the trail.


Getting the Story Trail

Fleet Pond Story TrailTo follow the Story Trail you need a free pack that you can either borrow from a specified place (with a Hampshire Library card and a £20 returnable deposit) or download the story trail from the internet in written or audio form.  

Each pack has a map to follow and the trail itself is marked with arrows and/or pictures of the Story Snail.


Read More


Visit the Odiham Castle website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Odiham
County: Hampshire
Nearest Postcode: RG29 1HQ or RG29 1BY (see above).

Opens: Daily
Cost: Free

Where to Eat: Bring a picnic and a blanket. 
Facilities: Picnic table.

How Long We Spent There: About three hours.
Buggies: Buggy friendly.

Parking: I’ve found two options for parking, either Tunnel Lane in North Warnborough (RG29 1HQ) or Greywell village (RG29 1BY). Please see above for full details of parking. 
Cost of Parking: Free

Wildlife You Might See: Ducks, moorhens, herons, birds and insects. 

Information Written: February 2017

Visitor Information



Our visit to Odiham Caste in Odiham is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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