AONB – Toddle Doddle Find Your Next Adventure Sat, 10 Feb 2024 13:41:45 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 102446132 Conquer Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Ashford Hangers, Steep Sun, 21 Jan 2024 14:03:05 +0000 Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Edward Thomas Stone, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Edward Thomas Stone, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Edward Thomas Stone, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Edward Thomas Stone, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Edward Thomas Stone, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Edward Thomas Stone, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Edward Thomas Stone, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Edward Thomas Stone, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Edward Thomas Stone, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Edward Thomas Stone, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Edward Thomas Stone, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Edward Thomas Stone, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Edward Thomas Stone, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Edward Thomas Stone, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Edward Thomas Stone, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Wheatham Hill in the Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Petersfield

Of all the places I have explored, Shoulder of Mutton Hill is my favourite – it’s also the place I visit most often. I love the climb, I love the views and I love the surrounding Ashford Hangers. 


Ashford Hangers

Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, HampshireThe Ashford Hangers is a National Nature Reserve with invigoratingly steep hillsides covered in clinging trees





Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Edward Thomas Stone, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshireand breathtaking views extending across Hampshire and Sussex.






Shoulder of Mutton Hill

Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Edward Thomas Stone, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, HampshireThis is the view from the top of Shoulder of Mutton Hill and it is every bit as spectacular as people say. 





Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Edward Thomas Stone, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, HampshireThe stone you can see is a memorial to the poet Edward Thomas, who lived in this area from 1906 to 1916. 





Where to Next?

Wheatham Hill in the Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, PetersfieldFrom Shoulder of Mutton Hill you can continue on to Cobbett’s View on Wheatham Hill





Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshireor back down to Lutcombe Pond and Ashford Stream.





Finding Shoulder of Mutton Hill

There are different ways to reach Shoulder of Mutton Hill and the top of the Ashford Hangers but these are the three routes I use, all of which involve climbs:


From Lutcombe Pond:

Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, HampshireFrom the car park at GU32 1AB, follow the path that runs along Ashford Stream, keeping Lutcombe Pond on your right.

Keep walking straight up the hill and when you are nearly at the top,  you come to these steps.


Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Edward Thomas Stone, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, HampshireFollow this path all the way to Shoulder of Mutton Hill.





From Lutcombe Pond Using the Little Bridge:

Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, HampshireFrom the car park at GU32 1AB, follow the path that runs along Ashford Stream, but this time cross the little bridge and keep Lutcombe Pond on your left.



Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Edward Thomas Stone, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, HampshireFollow the path to the right and you come to these steps, which are at the foot of Shoulder of Mutton Hill.




Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Edward Thomas Stone, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, HampshireA short but very steep climb will take you all the way to the top.





From Ashford Farm:

Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, HampshireFrom the car park at GU32 1AB, 





Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshirefollow the path as it leads up the hangers.  





Wheatham Hill in the Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, PetersfieldAfter a climb and some twists and turns, you will find yourself at these stairs and Wheatham Hill.

Continue on this fairly flat path and Shoulder of Mutton hill is a little further on and on the left. 

Read More


Visit the Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Steep, Near Petersfield
County: Hampshire
Nearest Postcode: GU32 1AA or GU32 1AB

Opens: Daily
Cost: Free

Where to Eat: Bring a blanket and a picnic.
Facilities: None

How Long We Spent There: 2 hours
Buggies: The first path from the car park to the pond is buggy friendly but the paths quickly become steep and uneven afterwards. 

Parking: There is a small space for a few cars to park off the road (GU32 1AB) on Ashford Lane. There is also an area where cars park to the side of Ashford Farm (GU32 1AA). 
Cost of Parking: Free

Wildlife You Might See: Butterflies, other insects and birds.

Information Written: January 2024

Visitor Information



Our visit to Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve in Steep, near Petersfield (including Lutcombe Pond, Ashford Stream, Cobbett’s View on Wheatham Hill and Shoulder of Mutton Hill) is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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Before taking part in any activities or visiting any places listed, you should make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision, a safe environment is provided and to check all these details are up to date before you visit and/or take part. We accept no liability (to the fullest extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided or places listed or for the accuracy of any information given.



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Find Cobbett’s View on Wheatham Hill, Ashford Hangers Sun, 21 Jan 2024 12:03:28 +0000 Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Edward Thomas Stone, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Wheatham Hill in the Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Petersfield Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Wheatham Hill in the Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Petersfield Wheatham Hill in the Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Petersfield Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Wheatham Hill, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Edward Thomas Stone, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Edward Thomas Stone, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Wheatham Hill in the Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Petersfield Wheatham Hill in the Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Petersfield Wheatham Hill, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Wheatham Hill in the Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Petersfield Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire

In 1822, William Cobbett was surprised to discover Wheatham Hill, “…out we came, all in a moment, at the very edge of the hanger! And never, in all my life, was I so surprised and so delighted!” But to understand why he was so delighted, you will have to climb the Ashford Hangers for yourself…


Ashford Hangers

Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, HampshireThe Ashford Hangers is a National Nature Reserve with invigoratingly steep hillsides covered in clinging trees





Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Edward Thomas Stone, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshireand breathtaking views extending across Hampshire and Sussex.





Wheatham Hill

Wheatham Hill in the Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, PetersfieldWheatham Hill is 249m high, making it one of the highest hills in Hampshire.

At the top is a trig point, a bench and a spectacular spot for a picnic. 




Wheatham Hill, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, HampshireThe beautiful views extend to Selbourne Common and beyond to what I think are the Hogs Back, Gibbet Hill and Crooksbury Hill. 





Cobbett’s View

William Cobbett. Stipple engraving by F. Bartolozzi, 1801, after J. R. Smith. Wellcome Collection. Public Domain Mark. Source: Wellcome Collection.

William Cobbett (1763-1835) was many things – radical, journalist, farmer, MP, political and social reformer.

Starting in 1822, he went on a series of journeys to see for himself the conditions of rural life. He recorded his findings, which became the book Rural Rides.




Wheatham Hill in the Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, PetersfieldOn 24 November 1822, Cobbett arrived at the Ashford Hangers and describes his adventure through the hangers to Wheatham Hill, which is now known As Cobbett’s View.




To the Top!

Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, HampshireI will let William Cobbett explain about the spectacular joys of walking to the top of Wheatham Hill!





Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire“On we trotted up this pretty green lane; and indeed, we had been coming gently and generally up hill for a good while.




Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire“The lane was between highish banks and pretty high stuff growing on the banks, so that we could see no distance from us,




Wheatham Hill in the Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Petersfield“and could receive not the smallest hint of what was so near at hand.





Wheatham Hill in the Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Petersfield“The lane had a little turn towards the end; so that, out we came, all in a moment, at the very edge of the hanger! And never, in all my life, was I so surprised and so delighted!




Wheatham Hill, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire“I pulled up my horse, and sat and looked; and it was like looking from the top of a castle down into the sea, except that the valley was land and not water.




Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire“I looked at my servant, to see what effect this unexpected sight had upon him. His surprise was as great as mine, though he had been bred amongst the North Hampshire hills. Those who had so strenuously dwelt on the dirt and dangers of this route, had said not a word about beauties, the matchless beauties of the scenery.


Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire“These hangers are woods on the sides of very steep hills. The trees and underwood hang, in some sort, to the ground, instead of standing on it. Hence these places are called Hangers.”




Rural Rides by William Corbett, Wheatham Hill in the Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, PetersfieldThe above description of Cobbett’s adventure in the Ashford Hangers starts on page 127 of Rural Rides. You can find a free online copy on the Project Gutenberg website






Finding Wheatham Hill

There are different ways to reach Wheatham Hill and the top of the Ashford Hangers but these are the two routes I use:


From Lutcombe Pond:

Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, HampshireFrom the car park at GU32 1AB, follow the path that runs along Ashford Stream, keeping Lutcombe Pond on your right.

Keep walking straight up the hill and when you are nearly at the top,  you come to these steps. Follow this path to Shoulder of Mutton Hill


Wheatham Hill in the Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Petersfieldand then on to Wheatham Hill, which is at the top of these stairs.





From Ashford Farm:

Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, HampshireFrom the car park at GU32 1AB, 





Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshirefollow this path as it leads up the hangers.  





Wheatham Hill in the Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, PetersfieldAfter a steep climb and some twists and turns, you will find yourself at these same stairs and Wheatham Hill. 


Read More


Visit the Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Steep, Near Petersfield
County: Hampshire
Nearest Postcode: GU32 1AB or GU32 1AA

Opens: Daily
Cost: Free

Where to Eat: Bring a blanket and a picnic.
Facilities: None

How Long We Spent There: 4 hours
Buggies: The paths up the hangers are often steep and/or narrow. I have seen a couple of families taking little children on these walks but never with buggies. 

Parking: There is a small space for a few cars to park off the road (GU32 1AB) on Ashford Lane. There is also an area where cars park to the side of Ashford Farm (GU32 1AA). 
Cost of Parking: Free

Wildlife You Might See: Butterflies, other insects and birds.

Information Written: January 2024

Visitor Information



Our visit to the Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve in Steep, near Petersfield (including Lutcombe Pond, Ashford Stream, Cobbett’s View on Wheatham Hill and Shoulder of Mutton Hill) is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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  • Value
  • Would We Go Back
User Rating 0 (0 votes)
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Before taking part in any activities or visiting any places listed, you should make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision, a safe environment is provided and to check all these details are up to date before you visit and/or take part. We accept no liability (to the fullest extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided or places listed or for the accuracy of any information given.


]]> 0 76278
Paddle at Lutcombe Bottom in the Ashford Hangers, Petersfield Sun, 21 Jan 2024 07:00:02 +0000 Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Edward Thomas Stone, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Edward Thomas Stone, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire

There is a magical patch of wild at the foot of Lutcombe Bottom that is easier to access than the rest of the Ashford Hangers. This area has a shallow stream, a clear pond and fern lined paths that twist and turn through the trees. 


Ashford Hangers

Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, HampshireThis is a National Nature Reserve with invigoratingly steep hillsides covered in clinging trees





Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Edward Thomas Stone, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshireand breathtaking views extending across Hampshire and Sussex.





Ashford Stream 

Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, HampshireThe path from the parking spot follows Ashford Stream, which is shallow enough in places to paddle and splash around. 




Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, HampshireFrom April to June, the smell of wild garlic fills the air.





Lutcombe Pond 

Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, HampshireA gentle five minute stroll takes you to a small bridge





Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshireand then to Lutcombe Pond, which has unusually clear water and a dam you can walk over.





Onwards or Upwards?

Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, HampshireThe path forks at the little bridge and each route takes you deeper into the reserve.





Onwards Over the Bridge…

Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, HampshireThe path over the bridge skirts the base of the Ashford Hangers, which is a flat and easy walk.





Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, HampshireThis path has many side shoots that will take you up to the top of the hangers,





Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Edward Thomas Stone, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshireincluding this side shoot straight up Shoulder of Mutton Hill, which really is every bit as steep as this photo makes it look! 





…or Upwards to Hangers Way

Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, HampshireThe path to the left of the bridge takes you past Lutcombe Pond, directly up the hill





Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshireand on to Hangers Way,






Shoulder of Mutton Hill, Edward Thomas Stone, Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshirewhich leads to the top of Shoulder of Mutton Hill





Wheatham Hill in the Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Petersfieldand also to Cobbett’s View on Wheatham Hill






The Paths

Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire

The paths along Ashford Stream and around Lutcombe Pond are fairly flat but can be muddy.

You can reach the pond with a buggy.



Beyond the pond, the paths up the hill become steep and narrow in places. 





Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve, Steep, Near Petersfield, HampshireThe paths over the bridge and along the foot of the hangers are wider and flatter. 


Read More


Visit the Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Steep, Near Petersfield
County: Hampshire
Nearest Postcode: GU32 1AB

Opens: Daily
Cost: Free

Where to Eat: Bring a blanket and a picnic.
Facilities: None

How Long We Spent There: 2 hours
Buggies: You can take a buggy to the pond but the paths beyond this point are steep and/or narrow. 

Parking: There is a small space for a few cars to park off the road (GU32 1AB) and next to the stream. 
Cost of Parking: Free

Wildlife You Might See: Butterflies, other insects and birds.

Information Written: April 2019
Information Checked: January 2024

Visitor Information



Our visit to Lutcombe Bottom, the Ashford Stream and Lutcombe Pond in the Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve in Steep, near Petersfield, is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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  • Value
  • Would We Go Back
User Rating 0 (0 votes)
Comments Rating 0 (0 reviews)


Before taking part in any activities or visiting any places listed, you should make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision, a safe environment is provided and to check all these details are up to date before you visit and/or take part. We accept no liability (to the fullest extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided or places listed or for the accuracy of any information given.


]]> 0 65879
Create Your Own Expotition Through Ashdown Forest Sun, 13 Aug 2023 19:32:30 +0000 Winnie-the-Pooh's Gills Lap aka Galleon's Lap in Ashdown Forest, East Sussex Winnie-the-Pooh's Gills Lap aka Galleon's Lap in Ashdown Forest, East Sussex Winnie-the-Pooh's Gills Lap aka Galleon's Lap in Ashdown Forest, East Sussex Winnie-the-Pooh's Gills Lap aka Galleon's Lap in Ashdown Forest, East Sussex Winnie-the-Pooh's Gills Lap aka Galleon's Lap in Ashdown Forest, East Sussex The Enchanted Place at Gills Lap aka Winnine-the-Pooh's Galleons Lap in Ashdown Forest, East Sussex The Enchanted Place at Gills Lap aka Winnine-the-Pooh's Galleons Lap in Ashdown Forest, East Sussex Gills Lap aka Winnine-the-Pooh's Heffalump Trap in Ashdown Forest, East Sussex Gills Lap aka Winnine-the-Pooh's Galleon's Lap in Ashdown Forest, East Sussex Memorial to A.A. Milne and E.H. Shepard at Gills Lap in Ashdown Forest, East Sussex Memorial to A.A. Milne and E.H. Shepard at Gills Lap in Ashdown Forest, East Sussex Gills Lap aka Winnine-the-Pooh's Galleon's Lap in Ashdown Forest, East Sussex The Quarry aka Roo's Sandy Pit in Ashdown Forest, East Sussex The Quarry aka Roo's Sandy Pit in Ashdown Forest, East Sussex The Quarry aka Roo's Sandy Pit in Ashdown Forest, East Sussex The Quarry aka Roo's Sandy Pit in Ashdown Forest, East Sussex Gills Lap aka Winnine-the-Pooh's Heffalump Trap in Ashdown Forest, East Sussex The Quarry aka The North Pole discovered by Pooh in Ashdown Forest, East Sussex Pooh Bridge and Winnie-the-Pooh at Ashdown Forest in Hartfield, East Sussex The Quarry aka Eyesore's Gloomy Place in Ashdown Forest, East Sussex The Quarry aka The North Pole discovered by Pooh in Ashdown Forest, East Sussex The Quarry aka The North Pole discovered by Pooh in Ashdown Forest, East Sussex Winnie-the-Pooh Walk map from Pooh Corner in Hartfield, Ashdown Forest, East Sussex

Ashdown Forest is a place to make your own magical memories, inspire children to run wild, and fall in love with Pooh Bear again. With preparation, you can explore many of the books’ locations. With imagination, you can see a little boy and his bear still playing.  


Preface: Story Trails

The Pooh'seum and Tea Rooms at Pooh Corner in Ashdown Forest, Hartfield, East SussexA.A. Milne and his son Christopher Robin discovered Ashdown Forest together. 





Gills Lap aka Winnine-the-Pooh's Galleon's Lap in Ashdown Forest, East SussexWe decided to follow in their footsteps and create our own Winnie-the-Pooh story trail.

We used a walk we found online (see below) and our copies of Winnie-the-Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner



Introduction: “We’re All Going On An Expotition…”

The Quarry aka The North Pole discovered by Pooh in Ashdown Forest, East SussexLike Winnie-the-Pooh, we called our expedition an Expotition.





The Pooh'seum and Tea Rooms at Pooh Corner in Ashdown Forest, Hartfield, East SussexWe chose three areas of Ashdown Forest to visit:

  • Pooh Corner, Hartfield village (to set the scene at the Poohseum and to pick up maps so my children could ‘plan’ the Expotition over lunch)
  • Pooh Bridge car park (as the first chapter of Winnie-the-Pooh starts at Pooh’s house, which is next to Pooh Bridge)
  • Gills Lap car park.



Chapter 1: Pooh Corner 

Our Expotition began with lunch at Pooh Corner, a tea room and museum dedicated to all things Winnie-the-Pooh, which helped to set the scene for our story trail.

We also had a good look at the map in the front of the books. 



The Pooh'seum and Tea Rooms at Pooh Corner in Ashdown Forest, Hartfield, East SussexThe Pooh Corner staff are lovely and happy to give advice on places to visit in Ashdown Forest with maps.





Chapter 2: Pooh Bridge 

Pooh’s House 

(Best chapter to read: In which we are introduced to Winnie-the-Pooh and some Bees, and the stories begin’ from Winnie-the-Pooh)

Winnie-the-Pooh's House at Pooh Bridge in Ashdown Forest near Hartfield, East SussexWinnie-the-Pooh’s house is in a tree stump very near to Pooh Bridge.  

To find it, walk to the bridge from Pooh Bridge car park, cross the river and it is a very short walk away.  



Winnie-the-Pooh's House at Pooh Bridge in Ashdown Forest near Hartfield, East SussexWhen you get there, don’t forget to knock and “Rnig Also” to see if anyone is home!





Pooh Bridge 

(Best chapter to read: In which Pooh invents a new game and Eeyore joins in’ from The House at Pooh Corner)

Winnie-the-Pooh Poohsticks at Pooh Bridge in Ashdown Forest near Hartfield, East SussexThis picturesque spot is where Pooh invents the game of Poohsticks.  

The bridge jumps straight out of the pages of the books, having been rebuilt in 1979 to match Shepard’s illustrations. 



Piglet’s House

(You can read In which Pooh and Piglet go hunting and nearly catch a Woozle’ from Winnie-the-Pooh)

Piglet's House at Pooh Bridge in Ashdown Forest in Hartfield, East SussexYou can find Piglet’s tiny house in the woods to the left of the main path (when walking back to Pooh Bridge car park).




Owl’s House

(Best chapter to read: In which Eeyore loses a tail and Pooh finds one’ from Winnie-the-Pooh)

Owl's House at Pooh Bridge in Ashdown Forest in Hartfield, East SussexOwl’s high up house is there too.






Chapter 3: Gills Lap 

Note: We followed the walking route linked to below but in reverse because I wanted our trail to end at the Enchanted Place, the location for the last line of the books.  

These places and the route are shown on the map linked to below. 


Eeyore’s Sad and Gloomy Place (map marker 6)

The Quarry aka Eyesore's Gloomy Place in Ashdown Forest, East SussexWe didn’t walk all the way to Eeyore’s Gloomy Place – the name didn’t exactly sell it as a destination!  

Instead, we walked a little way past the stream and gazed across at the Gloomy Place before heading back to the stream and Quarry car park. 



The North Pole (map marker 5)

(Best chapter to read: ‘In which Christopher Robin leads an expotition to the North Pole’ from Winnie-the-Pooh )

The Quarry aka The North Pole discovered by Pooh in Ashdown Forest, East SussexA little stream runs through this part of the forest and is believed to be the spot where Roo falls into a pool of water and Pooh finds the North Pole.   





Roo’s Sandy Pit (map marker next to the Quarry car park)

(Best chapter to read: In which Kanga and Baby Roo come to the Forest, and Piglet has a bath’ from Winnie-the-Pooh)

The Quarry aka Roo's Sandy Pit in Ashdown Forest, East SussexThis former quarry is now overgrown and is where Pooh and his friends trick Kanga into leaving with Piglet instead of Roo.





The Milne and Shepard Memorial (map marker 3)

Memorial to A.A. Milne and E.H. Shepard at Gills Lap in Ashdown Forest, East SussexThe memorial plaque commemorating A.A. Milne and E.H. Shephard has a stunning location




with places to sit and have a picnic or rest tired legs whilst marvelling at the view.





The Heffalump Trap (map marker top left)

(Best chapter to read: In which Eeyore loses a tail and Pooh finds one’ from Winnie-the-Pooh)

Gills Lap aka Winnine-the-Pooh's Heffalump Trap in Ashdown Forest, East SussexIf you are brave enough, you can build your own Heffalump trap in this Very Deep Pit dug by Piglet.

But be careful, Christopher Robin spotted Heffalumps just lumping along in this part of the forest…



The Enchanted Place (map marker 2)

(Best chapter to read: In which Christopher Robin and Pooh come to an enchanted place and we leave them there’ from The House at Pooh Corner)

The Enchanted Place at Gills Lap aka Winnine-the-Pooh's Galleons Lap in Ashdown Forest, East SussexOur final stop, the Enchanted Place, is mentioned in the last line of The House at Pooh Corner, which makes me cry every time:

“…in that enchanted place on the top of the Forest a little boy and his Bear will always be playing.”



Notes: Planning Your Expotition

Maps and Leaflets

Winnie-the-Pooh Walk map from Pooh Corner in Hartfield, Ashdown Forest, East SussexThe Pooh Corner staff give advice on which places to visit in Ashdown Forest and also have a little expotition map for children.

I also printed this map and guide I found on another website called Pooh Walks from Gills Lap.



The Paths

Gills Lap aka Winnine-the-Pooh's Galleon's Lap in Ashdown Forest, East SussexThe conditions along the paths varies – some parts are uneven and steep and others are flatter and easier.  

I have easily taken an all terrain buggy to Pooh Bridge from the Pooh Bridge car park but would opt for a sling when exploring the area around Gills Lap car park. 

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Visit the Ashdown Forest website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Hartfield, Ashdown Forest
County: East Sussex
Nearest Postcode: TN7 4AE, TN7 4EX and TN7 4EN

Opens: Daily
Cost: Free 

Where to Eat: Eat at Pooh Corner Tea Rooms or bring a picnic and eat in Ashdown Forest.
Facilities: None but there is a cafe offering snacks and ice cream at the Pooh Bridge car park (TN7 4EX). 

How Long We Spent There: Full day
Buggies: You can take an all terrain buggy to Pooh Bridge.  The ground is uneven around Gills Lap. 

Parking: You can park at Pooh Corner (TN7 4AE), Pooh Bridge car park (TN7 4EX) and Gills Lap car park (TN7 4EN). 
Cost of Parking: Free

Wildlife You Might See: Cattle, deer, ponies, birds, butterflies, other insects, snakes and mammals.

Information Written: September 2022

Visitor Information



Our visit to the many enchanted places of Ashdown Forest near Hartfield is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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Play Poohsticks at Pooh Bridge, Hartfield, Ashdown Forest Sun, 13 Aug 2023 19:01:29 +0000 Pooh Bridge Car Park and Winnie-the-Pooh at Ashdown Forest in Hartfield, East Sussex Pooh Bridge Car Park and Winnie-the-Pooh at Ashdown Forest in Hartfield, East Sussex Winnie-the-Pooh Poohsticks at Pooh Bridge in Ashdown Forest near Hartfield, East Sussex Pooh Bridge Car Park and Winnie-the-Pooh at Ashdown Forest in Hartfield, East Sussex Pooh Bridge Car Park and Winnie-the-Pooh at Ashdown Forest in Hartfield, East Sussex Pooh Bridge and Winnie-the-Pooh at Ashdown Forest in Hartfield, East Sussex Pooh Bridge and Winnie-the-Pooh at Ashdown Forest in Hartfield, East Sussex Pooh Bridge and Winnie-the-Pooh at Ashdown Forest in Hartfield, East Sussex Pooh Bridge and Winnie-the-Pooh at Ashdown Forest in Hartfield, East Sussex Owl's House at Pooh Bridge in Ashdown Forest in Hartfield, East Sussex Owl's House at Pooh Bridge in Ashdown Forest in Hartfield, East Sussex Piglet's House at Pooh Bridge in Ashdown Forest in Hartfield, East Sussex Pooh Bridge and Winnie-the-Pooh at Ashdown Forest in Hartfield, East Sussex Pooh Bridge and Winnie-the-Pooh at Ashdown Forest in Hartfield, East Sussex Winnie-the-Pooh Poohsticks at Pooh Bridge in Ashdown Forest near Hartfield, East Sussex Pooh Bridge and Winnie-the-Pooh at Ashdown Forest in Hartfield, East Sussex Pooh Bridge and Winnie-the-Pooh at Ashdown Forest in Hartfield, East Sussex Winnie-the-Pooh Poohsticks at Pooh Bridge in Ashdown Forest near Hartfield, East Sussex Winnie-the-Pooh Poohsticks at Pooh Bridge in Ashdown Forest near Hartfield, East Sussex Winnie-the-Pooh Poohsticks at Pooh Bridge in Ashdown Forest near Hartfield, East Sussex Winnie-the-Pooh Poohsticks at Pooh Bridge in Ashdown Forest near Hartfield, East Sussex Winnie-the-Pooh Poohsticks at Pooh Bridge in Ashdown Forest near Hartfield, East Sussex Winnie-the-Pooh's House at Pooh Bridge in Ashdown Forest near Hartfield, East Sussex Winnie-the-Pooh's House at Pooh Bridge in Ashdown Forest near Hartfield, East Sussex

The windswept purple heath and woodland of Ashdown Forest inspired A.A. Milne to write about the adventures of Winnie-the-Pooh, Christopher Robin and friends. It also inspired E.H. Shephard’s beautiful illustrations.

What magical adventures will your visit inspire?


Ashdown Forest

The atmospheric Ashdown Forest inspired A.A. Milne to write about the adventures of Winnie-the-Pooh, Christopher Robin and friends.




Pooh Bridge

Winnie-the-Pooh Poohsticks at Pooh Bridge in Ashdown Forest near Hartfield, East SussexNo visit to Ashdown Forest is complete without a visit to picture perfect Pooh Bridge, where Pooh invented the game of Poohsticks. 




Winnie-the-Pooh Poohsticks at Pooh Bridge in Ashdown Forest near Hartfield, East SussexBe sure to pick up some Poohsticks on your walk to the bridge – they can be hard to find, probably because they are all in the stream! 




The Walk

Pooh Bridge Car Park and Winnie-the-Pooh at Ashdown Forest in Hartfield, East SussexWe walk to the bridge from Pooh Bridge car park, which has a little cafe.

The paths are generally flat and buggy friendly, with a gentle hill leading away from the car park. 



The Houses

Pooh Bridge and Winnie-the-Pooh at Ashdown Forest in Hartfield, East SussexFollowing the path to Pooh Bridge leads you past a little balancing course and down a hill.  





Pooh Bridge Car Park and Winnie-the-Pooh at Ashdown Forest in Hartfield, East SussexIf you leave the path and head into the woods on the right you can find Eeyore’s gloomy house





Piglet's House at Pooh Bridge in Ashdown Forest in Hartfield, East SussexPiglet’s tiny house






Owl's House at Pooh Bridge in Ashdown Forest in Hartfield, East Sussexand Owl’s high up house. 






The Bridge

Winnie-the-Pooh Poohsticks at Pooh Bridge in Ashdown Forest near Hartfield, East SussexThe bridge jumps straight out of the pages of Milne’s stories, having been rebuilt in 1979 to match Shepard’s illustrations. 





Pooh’s House 

Winnie-the-Pooh's House at Pooh Bridge in Ashdown Forest near Hartfield, East SussexWinnie-the-Pooh’s house is in a tree stump very near to Pooh Bridge.  

To find it, walk to the bridge from Pooh Bridge car park, cross the stream and walk a little way up the lane.  




Winnie-the-Pooh's House at Pooh Bridge in Ashdown Forest near Hartfield, East SussexWhen you get there, don’t forget to knock and “Rnig Also” to see if anyone is home!





Other Story Locations

Winnie-the-Pooh's Gills Lap aka Galleon's Lap in Ashdown Forest, East SussexAshdown Forest is home to other locations from the Winnie-the-Pooh stories, including Roo’s Sandy Pit, the Enchanted Place, Eeyore’s Gloomy Place and the Heffalump Trap.  




Memorial to A.A. Milne and E.H. Shepard at Gills Lap in Ashdown Forest, East SussexIt also has a memorial plaque to A.A. Milne and E.H. Shepard.

For full details, please see my post about how to create your own Winnie-the-pooh Expotition



Pooh Corner Tea Rooms and Pooh’seum

A short drive away from Pooh Bridge is the village of Hartfield and Pooh Corner, a tea room and museum dedicated to all things Winnie-the-Pooh.




The Pooh'seum and Tea Rooms at Pooh Corner in Ashdown Forest, Hartfield, East SussexThe Pooh Corner staff are lovely and happy to give advice on places to visit in Ashdown Forest with maps.


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Visit the Ashdown Forest website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Hartfield, Ashdown Forest
County: East Sussex
Nearest Postcode: TN7 4EX 

Opens: Daily
Cost: Free 

Where to Eat: Eat at Pooh Corner Tea Rooms or bring a picnic and eat in Ashdown Forest.
Facilities: None but there is a cafe offering snacks and ice cream at the Pooh Bridge car park (TN7 4EX). 

How Long We Spent There: Full day
Buggies: You can take an all terrain buggy to Pooh Bridge.  The ground is uneven around Gills Lap. 

Parking: You can park at Pooh Bridge car park (TN7 4EX). 
Cost of Parking: Free

Wildlife You Might See: Cattle, deer, ponies, birds, butterflies, other insects, snakes and mammals.

Information Written: September 2022

Visitor Information



Our visit to Pooh Bridge and the other enchanted places in Ashdown Forest is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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Before taking part in any activities or visiting any places listed, you should make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision, a safe environment is provided and to check all these details are up to date before you visit and/or take part. We accept no liability (to the fullest extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided or places listed or for the accuracy of any information given.



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Visit the Pooh’seum and Tea Rooms at Pooh Corner, Hartfield Sat, 12 Aug 2023 17:08:42 +0000 The Pooh'seum and Tea Rooms at Pooh Corner in Ashdown Forest, Hartfield, East Sussex The Pooh'seum and Tea Rooms at Pooh Corner in Ashdown Forest, Hartfield, East Sussex The Pooh'seum and Tea Rooms at Pooh Corner in Ashdown Forest, Hartfield, East Sussex The Pooh'seum and Tea Rooms at Pooh Corner in Ashdown Forest, Hartfield, East Sussex The Pooh'seum and Tea Rooms at Pooh Corner in Ashdown Forest, Hartfield, East Sussex The Pooh'seum and Tea Rooms at Pooh Corner in Ashdown Forest, Hartfield, East Sussex The Pooh'seum and Tea Rooms at Pooh Corner in Ashdown Forest, Hartfield, East Sussex The Pooh'seum and Tea Rooms at Pooh Corner in Ashdown Forest, Hartfield, East Sussex The Pooh'seum and Tea Rooms at Pooh Corner in Ashdown Forest, Hartfield, East Sussex The Pooh'seum and Tea Rooms at Pooh Corner in Ashdown Forest, Hartfield, East Sussex The Pooh'seum and Tea Rooms at Pooh Corner in Ashdown Forest, Hartfield, East Sussex The Pooh'seum and Tea Rooms at Pooh Corner in Ashdown Forest, Hartfield, East Sussex The Pooh'seum and Tea Rooms at Pooh Corner in Ashdown Forest, Hartfield, East Sussex The Pooh'seum and Tea Rooms at Pooh Corner in Ashdown Forest, Hartfield, East Sussex The Pooh'seum and Tea Rooms at Pooh Corner in Ashdown Forest, Hartfield, East Sussex

Built in the sweet shop that A.A. Milne and his son, Christopher Robin, used to visit, Pooh Corner is the perfect place to stop for a smackeral of honey when exploring Ashdown Forest in search of Winnie-the-Pooh and friends. 


The Tea Rooms

The Pooh'seum and Tea Rooms at Pooh Corner in Ashdown Forest, Hartfield, East SussexThe tea rooms have indoor and outdoor seating areas and serve a range of homemade foods that you can enjoy surrounded by memorabilia.




The Pooh’seum

The Pooh'seum and Tea Rooms at Pooh Corner in Ashdown Forest, Hartfield, East SussexAlso inside is a museum dedicated to all things Winnie-the-Pooh, including information on A.A. Milne





The Pooh'seum and Tea Rooms at Pooh Corner in Ashdown Forest, Hartfield, East Sussexsigned books






The Pooh'seum and Tea Rooms at Pooh Corner in Ashdown Forest, Hartfield, East Sussexand lots of photos.  






The Pooh'seum and Tea Rooms at Pooh Corner in Ashdown Forest, Hartfield, East SussexThere are also plenty of toys on display!






Ashdown Forest

Ashdown Forest is the magical heath and woodland that inspired A.A. Milne to write two books about the adventures of Winnie-the-Pooh and friends.




The Pooh'seum and Tea Rooms at Pooh Corner in Ashdown Forest, Hartfield, East SussexThe Pooh Corner staff gave us advice on where to visit and a little Expotition map for the children.





Winnie-the-Pooh's House at the Poohsticks Bridge in Ashdown Forest near Hartfield, East SussexYou can find the houses of Pooh, Piglet and Owl






Winnie-the-Pooh Poohsticks Bridge in Ashdown Forest near Hartfield, East Sussexplay Poohsticks on the bridge






or walk to the real life locations for the Winnie-the-Pooh stories. 


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Hartfield Town Croft Playground

Near to Pooh Corner is the Poohscape Play Area, a small, sandy play area with equipment that includes swings, a slide, a climbing frame, a wooden train and picnic tables. 

List Play Equipment


Visit the Pooh Corner website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Hartfield, Ashdown Forest
County: East Sussex
Nearest Postcode: TN7 4AE

Opens: Daily
Cost: The Pooh’seum is free to enter. The tea rooms charge for food and drink orders.  

Where to Eat: Eat at Pooh Corner or bring a picnic and eat at the nearby play area.
Facilities: Tea rooms offering food, snacks, ice cream, a shop and toilets. 

How Long We Spent There: 1 hour
Buggies: Buggy-friendly.

Parking: No car park but there is free parking along the road outside. 
Cost of Parking: Free

Information Written: September 2022

Visitor Information



Our visit to Pooh Corner and the Poohscape Play Area in Hartfield, Ashdown Forest is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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Before taking part in any activities or visiting any places listed, you should make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision, a safe environment is provided and to check all these details are up to date before you visit and/or take part. We accept no liability (to the fullest extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided or places listed or for the accuracy of any information given.



]]> 0 74613
Explore the Poohscape Play Area at Pooh Corner, Hartfield Fri, 11 Aug 2023 17:08:04 +0000 Winnie-the-Pooh Poohsticks at Pooh Bridge in Ashdown Forest near Hartfield, East Sussex The Pooh'seum and Tea Rooms at Pooh Corner in Ashdown Forest, Hartfield, East Sussex The Pooh'seum and Tea Rooms at Pooh Corner in Ashdown Forest, Hartfield, East Sussex The Pooh'seum and Tea Rooms at Pooh Corner in Ashdown Forest, Hartfield, East Sussex

The Poohscape Play Area is a perfect place to play before mounting your Expotition to the enchanted places of Ashdown Forest. 


Hartfield Town Croft Playground

This sandy play area has equipment that includes:

  • a wooden climbing frame with nets, ropes and a climbing wall
  • a slide with a ramp and ladder
  • swings
  • toddler swings
  • a basket swing
  • a spinning cup
  • wooden train
  • a sand pit with a tree trunk and nets to climb on 
  • a picnic table
  • seats.


To find the play area, keep Pooh Corner on your left and walk down the road. The play area is a short walk and on the left.  

List Play Equipment


Pooh Corner Tea Rooms and Pooh’seum

Just a short walk from the Towncroft Play Area is Pooh Corner a tea room and museum dedicated to all things Winnie-the-Pooh.




Ashdown Forest

Ashdown Forest is the magical heath and woodland that inspired A.A. Milne to write two books about the adventures of Winnie-the-Pooh and friends.




Winnie-the-Pooh's House at the Poohsticks Bridge in Ashdown Forest near Hartfield, East SussexYou can find the houses of Pooh, Piglet and Owl





Winnie-the-Pooh Poohsticks Bridge in Ashdown Forest near Hartfield, East Sussexplay Poohsticks on the bridge





or walk through the real life places that inspired A.A. Milne. 


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Visit the Hartfield Play Area website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Hartfield, Ashdown Forest
County: East Sussex
Nearest Postcode: TN7 4AG

Opens: Daily
Cost: Free 

Where to Eat: Eat at Pooh Corner or bring a picnic and eat at the play area.
Facilities: Cafe offering snacks, ice cream, a shop, toilets. 

How Long We Spent There: 1 hour
Buggies: Buggy-friendly.

Parking: No car park but there is free parking along the road outside. 
Cost of Parking: Free

Wildlife You Might See: Insects, butterflies and birds.

Information Written: September 2022

Visitor Information



Our visit to Hartifeld Town Croft Play Area or Poohscape in Hartfield, Ashdown Forest is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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Before taking part in any activities or visiting any places listed, you should make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision, a safe environment is provided and to check all these details are up to date before you visit and/or take part. We accept no liability (to the fullest extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided or places listed or for the accuracy of any information given.



]]> 0 74630
Brave the Water Maze at Hever Castle, Near Tonbridge Thu, 07 Oct 2021 11:07:48 +0000 Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent

Hever Castle was the childhood home of Anne Boleyn. It’s a picturesque castle that has everything a castle should have – a drawbridge, a moat and battlements – and even a castle-themed Hever Castle Adventure Play Area, complete with a secret passage!

I love Hever Castle. For me, it’s the perfect mix of fun, history, and nature.


Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII

Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, KentThe story of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn is brought to life by costumed Tudor characters, panelled rooms,





Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kentbanquet halls and even a potential candidate for Henry VIII’s bed chamber.







The Grounds

Hever CastleThe grounds boast several formal gardens, statues,







Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kentwaterfalls, a lake 






Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kentand bushes shaped like chess pieces and animals. 





The Ducks

Hever CastleThere are also plenty of marauding ducks to feed.





The Two Mazes

Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, KentThere are two mazes to pit your wits against – a hedge maze and a water maze.


The Hedge Maze

The hedge maze is lots of fun and took us about ten minutes of wandering around to solve.



The Water Maze

Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, KentThe water maze is ingenious.

Your task is to reach the centre whilst dodging the jets of water that suddenly erupt when step on the wrong stone.




The Adventure Play Area

Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, KentThe fantastic Hever Castle Adventure Play Area centres around a castle called Tudor Towers.

It has tube slides, turrets, bridges and poles.



Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, KentIt also has a secret passage, maze and musical instruments.





Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, KentThe castle is surrounded by more play equipment, including slides, swings, tunnels and an obstacle course.


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Visit the Hever Castle website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Hever
County: Kent
Nearest Postcode: TN8 7NG

Adult Cost Range: Various 
Child Cost Range: Various
Free if: Under 5 years or entry to the gardens can be free with RHS membership at set times.

Opens: Daily from March to December.

Where to Eat: Bring a picnic or eat at the cafe.
Facilities: Picnic area, cafe, snacks, barbecues, toilets and accessible toilets. 

How Long We Spent There: 4 hours
Buggies: Buggy friendly

Parking: The castle is a short walk from the car park, which has lots of spaces.
Cost of Parking: Free

Wildlife You Might See: Ducks and swans.

Information Written: May 2016
Information Checked: September 2021

Visitor Information



Our visit to Hever Castle in Hever near Tonbridge is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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Before taking part in any activities or visiting any places listed, you should make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision, a safe environment is provided and to check all these details are up to date before you visit and/or take part. We accept no liability (to the fullest extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided or places listed or for the accuracy of any information given.



]]> 0 8487
Find a Secret Passage into the Hever Castle Adventure Play Area Thu, 07 Oct 2021 08:38:24 +0000 Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kent

Hever Castle has a fabulous adventure play area centred around a huge wooden castle – can you find the secret passage into the castle, dodge the knights, puzzle through the maze and find the hidden boxes?


You can roughly divide the play area into three sections.


Tudor Towers

Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, KentThis is a large wooden castle built like a castle





Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kentwith tube slides, poles, tunnels,






Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, Kentrope bridges, net tunnels, ladders and climbing walls.





Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, KentOutside there is a well hiding a secret passage, which eventually emerges through a fireplace. 





Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, KentThe castle also has musical instruments, a maze, hidden passages and games. 

Tudor Towers is for those aged 5 to 14 years.




Acorn Dell – Natural Play Area

Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, KentThis sandy play area has:

  • a wooden climbing frame
  • tree trunks and climbing logs
  • a tunnel
  • stones to climb on
  • a tree house with a tube slide and a wobbly bridge
  • a willow tunnel
  • and a musical instrument. 



The Wooden Play Area

Hever Castle and Adventure Play Area, Hever, KentThis play area has:

  • toddler swings (for under 5s)
  • swings
  • a castle slide with easy to climb steps
  • knights’ horse springers
  • a swinging basket
  • wooden climbing frames with nets and ropes
  • an obstacle course
  • a zipwire.

List Play Equipment


Visit the Hever Castle Adventure Play Area website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Hever
County: Kent
Nearest Postcode: TN8 7NG

Adult Cost Range: Various 
Child Cost Range: Various
Free if: Under 5 years or entry to the gardens can be free with RHS membership at set times.

Opens: Daily from March to December.

Where to Eat: Bring a picnic or eat at the cafe.
Facilities: Picnic area, cafe, snacks, barbecues, toilets and accessible toilets. 

How Long We Spent There: 1.5 hours
Buggies: Buggy friendly

Parking: The castle is a short walk from the car park, which has lots of spaces.
Cost of Parking: Free

Wildlife You Might See: Ducks and swans.

Information Written: May 2016
Information Checked: September 2021

Visitor Information



Our visit to Hever Castle in Hever near Tonbridge is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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Before taking part in any activities or visiting any places listed, you should make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision, a safe environment is provided and to check all these details are up to date before you visit and/or take part. We accept no liability (to the fullest extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided or places listed or for the accuracy of any information given.



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