Ancient Site – Toddle Doddle Find Your Next Adventure Thu, 04 Apr 2024 12:26:13 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 102446132 Pondside Play at Petersfield Heath and Play Area Tue, 13 Feb 2024 13:09:32 +0000 Petersfield Heath and Petersfield Heath Play Area in Petersfield, Hampshire Petersfield Heath and Petersfield Heath Play Area in Petersfield, Hampshire Petersfield Heath and Petersfield Heath Play Area in Petersfield, Hampshire Petersfield Heath and Petersfield Heath Play Area in Petersfield, Hampshire Petersfield Heath and Petersfield Heath Play Area in Petersfield, Hampshire Petersfield Heath and Petersfield Heath Play Area in Petersfield, Hampshire Petersfield Heath and Petersfield Heath Play Area in Petersfield, Hampshire Petersfield Heath and Petersfield Heath Play Area in Petersfield, Hampshire Petersfield Heath and Petersfield Heath Play Area in Petersfield, Hampshire Petersfield Heath and Petersfield Heath Play Area in Petersfield, Hampshire Petersfield Heath and Petersfield Heath Play Area in Petersfield, Hampshire Petersfield Heath and Petersfield Heath Play Area in Petersfield, Hampshire Petersfield Heath and Petersfield Heath Play Area in Petersfield, Hampshire Petersfield Heath and Petersfield Heath Play Area in Petersfield, Hampshire Petersfield Heath and Petersfield Heath Play Area in Petersfield, Hampshire Petersfield Heath and Petersfield Heath Play Area in Petersfield, Hampshire Petersfield Heath and Petersfield Heath Play Area in Petersfield, Hampshire Petersfield Heath and Petersfield Heath Play Area in Petersfield, Hampshire Petersfield Heath and Petersfield Heath Play Area in Petersfield, Hampshire Petersfield Heath and Petersfield Heath Play Area in Petersfield, Hampshire

Beautifully situated Petersfield Heath Play Area has it all – a pondside play area with a cafe, plenty of ducks to feed, a circular walk past ancient monuments and even somewhere to rent a boat. 


The Play Area

The play equipment includes:

  • swings
  • toddler swings
  • a tyre swing
  • a rocking horse
  • a slide built into the hill
  • a roundabout
  • springers
  • a multiplay with a slide and binoculars
  • a sunken pirate ship sand pit
  • a tunnel
  • a wooden climbing frame obstacle course with a slide and climbing wall.


Next to the play area are picnic tables





and The Plump Duck cafe.



List Play Equipment


Petersfield Heath

This is ancient heathland with a large pond





boat hire 






and a circular trail. 



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Visit the Petersfield Heath and Play Area website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Petersfield
County: Hampshire
Nearest Postcode: GU31 4LB

Opens: Daily
Cost: Free

Where to Eat: Bring a picnic or eat at The Plump Duck cafe. 
Facilities: Cafe, snacks, ice cream, picnic area, toilets, accessible toilets. 

How Long We Spent There: 2 hours
Buggies: Buggy friendly

Parking: There is a car park. 
Cost of Parking: Free

Wildlife You Might See: Lizards, insects, ducks, swans, geese, kingfishers and other birds.

Information Written: July 2022

Visitor Information



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Conquer Soldier’s Ring and Crooksbury Hill, Near Farnham Wed, 18 May 2022 15:39:37 +0000 Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, Surrey Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, Surrey Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, Surrey Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, Surrey Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, Surrey Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, Surrey Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, Surrey Soldier's Ring Hill Fort, Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, Surrey Soldier's Ring Hill Fort, Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, Surrey Soldier's Ring Hill Fort, Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, Surrey Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, Surrey Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, Surrey Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, Surrey

Crooksbury Hill is guarded by Soldier’s Ring, an ancient hill fort now hidden by woodland. Climbing the hill is a mini-adventure. The steep paths rise through dappled woodland, under tumbling heathers and past enormous ant hills.  


At the Top

Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, SurreyThe views from the top of Crooksbury Hill are spectacular.

On a clear day you can see across the Surrey Hills, including Butser Hill, Gibbet Hill and Selbourne Common



The Woods

Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, SurreyThe woods on the top of the hill are shady and peaceful, with huge logs to climb on and den building opportunities.




Soldier’s Ring Hill Fort

Soldier's Ring Hill Fort, Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, SurreySoldier’s Ring is a small hill fort that may date from the Bronze or Iron Age. It is now a large, flat area of woodland surrounded by walls made from earth. 




Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, SurreyTo find Soldier’s Ring from the view point on the top of Crooksbury Hill, follow the path behind the trig point. This leads you down the other side of the hill and into the woods.




Soldier's Ring Hill Fort, Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, SurreyThe entrance to Soldier’s Ring is about halfway down this path and is marked by this gate.





Soldier's Ring Hill Fort, Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, SurreyFrom here you can see the walls surrounding the hill fort.





The Paths

Soldier's Ring Hill Fort, Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, SurreyThere are three paths that lead up Crooksbury Hill, none of these are gentle or buggy friendly.  I found the path on the left of the Botany Hill car park was the easiest.

Walking up the hill along any of these paths takes 5 to 10 minutes but factor in a little extra time for little ones. 


The Path From Crooksbury Hill Car Park

Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, SurreyThis path goes straight up the hill.  It starts by the information board in the picnic area, is very steep and has steps of various heights all the way up.  




The Paths From Botany Hill Car Park

Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, SurreyThere are two paths from this little car park that both lead through the woods to the view point.  Neither of these have stairs but they are both steep and uneven in places.  




Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, SurreyThe path on the right of the car park takes you along the base of Soldier’s Ring and then up to the Crooksbury Hill view point.  




Crooksbury Hill, The Sands, Farnham, SurreyThe path on the left takes you up through Soldier’s Ring and then to the top of Crooksbury Hill. 


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Visit the Crooksbury Hill website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Farnham
County: Surrey
Nearest Postcode: GU10 1RF

Opens: Daily
Cost: Free

Where to Eat: Bring a picnic. 
Facilities: Picnic area at Crooskbury Hill car park. 

How Long We Spent There: 2 hours
Buggies: All paths up Crooksbury Hill are steep so I wouldn’t recommend a buggy. 

Parking: Crooksbury Hill car park is on Crooksbury Road (GU10 1RF) and a much smaller, unmarked car park on Botany Hill (GU10 1LY).
Cost of Parking: Free

Wildlife You Might See: Slow worms, lizards, birds, butterflies, wood ants and other insects.

Information Written: August 2016
Information Checked: May 2022

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Skipper Ships at The Look Out Play Area, Bracknell Thu, 06 Jan 2022 21:03:58 +0000 The Look Out Discovery Centre Adventure Play Area, Bracknell, Berkshire - The Adventure Play Trail The Look Out Discovery Centre Adventure Play Area, Bracknell, Berkshire - The Adventure Play Trail The Look Out Discovery Centre Adventure Play Area, Bracknell, Berkshire - The Adventure Play Trail The Look Out Discovery Centre Adventure Play Area, Bracknell, Berkshire - The Adventure Play Trail The Look Out Discovery Centre Adventure Play Area, Bracknell, Berkshire - The Adventure Play Trail The Look Out Discovery Centre Adventure Play Area, Bracknell, Berkshire - The Adventure Play Trail The Look Out Discovery Centre Adventure Play Area, Bracknell, Berkshire - The Adventure Play Trail The Look Out Discovery Centre Adventure Play Area, Bracknell, Berkshire - The Adventure Play Trail The Look Out Discovery Centre Adventure Play Area, Bracknell, Berkshire - The Adventure Play Trail The Look Out Discovery Centre Adventure Play Area, Bracknell, Berkshire - The Adventure Play Trail The Look Out Discovery Centre Adventure Play Area, Bracknell, Berkshire - The Adventure Play Trail The Look Out Discovery Centre Adventure Play Area, Bracknell, Berkshire - The Adventure Play Trail The Look Out Discovery Centre Adventure Play Area, Bracknell, Berkshire - The Adventure Play Trail The Look Out Discovery Centre Adventure Play Area, Bracknell, Berkshire - The Adventure Play Trail The Look Out Discovery Centre Adventure Play Area, Bracknell, Berkshire - The Adventure Play Trail The Look Out Discovery Centre Adventure Play Area, Bracknell, Berkshire - The Adventure Play Trail The Look Out Discovery Centre Play Area, Bracknell, Berkshire - The Adventure Play Area Cafe

With ships to skipper, a fort to storm and a train to drive, the adventure play area at The Look Out Discovery Centre is exceptional. Children can play knights, cowboys and pirates for hours.

Once they are all role-played out, you can head into Swinley Forest on one of the trails, try orienteering, discover an iron age hill fort or head indoors for some science and soft play fun.


The play area is divided into three sections.


Ship Play Trail

The Look Out Discovery Centre Play Area, Bracknell, Berkshire - adventure play areaThis is an Infant Play Trail for ages 3 to 6 years that has:

  • a galleon with nets, a wheel and a slide
  • a second, smaller boat
  • springers
  • a trampoline
  • a train
  • a wobbly, wooden hut
  • The Look Out Discovery Centre Adventure Play Area, Bracknell, Berkshire - The Adventure Play Trailtoddler swings
  • wobbly bridges
  • a climbing wall
  • a balance course and
  • wobbly balance boards.



Inclusive Area 

The Look Out Discovery Centre Play Area, Bracknell, Berkshire - adventure play areaThis fully inclusive area has:

  • a wheelchair accessible roundabout
  • a swing
  • a cradle swing
  • an accessible slide
  • musical instruments
  • fun house mirrors
  • a basket swing.


The Fort 

The Look Out Discovery Centre Adventure Play Area, Bracknell, Berkshire - The Adventure Play TrailThis is a Junior Play Trail for ages 7 to 11 years that has:

  • swings
  • climbing walls
  • wobbly bridges
  • ladders
  • balancing logs
  • hanging rings and
  • a rope climbing frame.

List Play Equipment


Kiosk and Picnic Area

The Look Out Discovery Centre Play Area, Bracknell, Berkshire - The Adventure Play Area CafeNext to the play area are lots of picnic tables and a kiosk that sells refreshments.





Swinley Forest

The Look Out Discovery Centre Play Area, Bracknell, Berkshire - adventure play areaThe play area is next to the Swinley Forest, with cycle routes and various trails.

The Look Out also has a permanent orienteering course and you can buy a map from the reception desk in the Discovery Centre for £1.



The Look Out Discovery Centre

The Look Out Discovery Centre, BracknellInside The Look Out Discovery Centre are over 90 activities including a building site, an indoor stream, a reaction testing game and a range of hands-on science experiments including a hot air balloon to launch and a globe that floats in mid-air. 

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Visit The Look Out Discovery Centre Play Area website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Bracknell
County: Berkshire
Nearest Postcode: RG12 7QW

Opens: Daily
Cost: Free

Where to Eat: Picnic tables and a cafe.
Facilities: A shop, toilets and accessible toilets.

How Long We Spent There: 2 hours
Buggies: Buggy friendly

Parking: There is a large car park but this gets very busy.
Cost of Parking: From £2 for the first four hours.

Wildlife You Might See: Birds and insects.

Information Written: March 2017
Information Checked: January 2022

Visitor Information



Our visit to the adventure play area at The Look Out Discovery Centre Play Area in Bracknell is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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Wade to Spider Island at Magpie Bottom, New Forest Mon, 19 Jul 2021 17:22:46 +0000 Spider Island, Magpie Bottom, New Forest, Hampshire Nevi-Wesh Story Trail, New Forest, Hampshire Spider Island, Magpie Bottom, New Forest, Hampshire Spider Island, Magpie Bottom, New Forest, Hampshire Nevi-Wesh Story Trail, New Forest, Hampshire Nevi-Wesh Story Trail, New Forest, Hampshire Nevi-Wesh Story Trail, New Forest, Hampshire Spider Island, Magpie Bottom, New Forest, Hampshire Nevi-Wesh Story Trail, New Forest, Hampshire Spider Island, Magpie Bottom, New Forest, Hampshire Nevi-Wesh Story Trail, New Forest, Hampshire Spider Island, Magpie Bottom, New Forest, Hampshire

Magpie Bottom is a small area of woodland in the New Forest with a magical story trail called The Mystical Tale of Nevi-Wesh, the remains of a WW2 airfield, and lots of wildlife. The River Avon Water flows through the area and makes a peaceful spot for a paddle.   


Spider Island

Spider Island, Magpie Bottom, New Forest, HampshireSpider Island is a small island in the River Avon Water, which was shallow and slow flowing when we visited. The river banks can be muddy so bring wellies.  

The island is on the right in this photo.

And no, we didn’t see any spiders there!


Finding Spider Island

Spider Island, Magpie Bottom, New Forest, HampshireTo find Spider Island, follow the circular walking route marked on the Nevi-Wesh Story Trail map.

About halfway along the walk (roughly 45 minutes at a child’s pace) you come to a wooden bridge. It is marked FB on the map.

Spider island is to the right of the bridge. 


The Story Trail

Nevi-Wesh Story Trail, New Forest, HampshireThe Mystical Tale of Nevi-Wesh is a story trail that takes you on a journey around Magpie Bottom to meet magical creatures – including bogarts, fairies, a goblin and a woodland troll – learn to cast a spell, discover Spider Island, and defeat a witch.


The Paths

Nevi-Wesh Story Trail, New Forest, HampshireThe paths are easy to walk along and range from surfaced to muddy and bumpy. There are a couple of small hills.


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Visit the Magpie Bottom website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Ringwood
County: Hampshire
Nearest Postcode: BH23 7EQ

Opens: Daily
Cost: Free

Where to Eat: Bring a blanket and a picnic.
Facilities: None

How Long We Spent There: 2.5 hours
Buggies: The paths are surfaced in places and muddy in others.

Parking: Holmsley Walk car park. 
Cost of Parking: Free.

Wildlife You Might See: Ponies, wood ants, mini-beasts, butterflies, rabbits and birds.

Information Written: April 2021

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Our visit to Magpie Island in the New Forest is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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Storm and Conquer Danebury Hill Fort, Near Andover Fri, 14 May 2021 20:41:39 +0000 Danger at Danebury Story Trail, Danebury Hillfort, Near Andover, Hampshire Danger at Danebury Story Trail, Danebury Hillfort, Near Andover, Hampshire Danger at Danebury Story Trail, Danebury Hillfort, Near Andover, Hampshire Danger at Danebury Story Trail, Danebury Hillfort, Near Andover, Hampshire Danger at Danebury Story Trail, Danebury Hillfort, Near Andover, Hampshire Danger at Danebury Story Trail, Danebury Hillfort, Near Andover, Hampshire Danger at Danebury Story Trail, Danebury Hillfort, Near Andover, Hampshire Danger at Danebury Story Trail, Danebury Hillfort, Near Andover, Hampshire

About 2,500 years ago, Danebury Hill Fort was a series of earthen ramparts, ditches and gateways protecting a central area. As you can imagine, it has a spectacular location with far-reaching views. It is also the setting forDanger at Danebury Hill Fort,” one of Hampshire County Council’s Story Trails*.


Danebury Hill Fort

Danger at Danebury Story Trail, Danebury Hillfort, Near Andover, HampshireToday it is a peaceful local nature reserve with plenty of ups and downs to explore. 




Danger at Danebury Story Trail, Danebury Hillfort, Near Andover, HampshireIt is believed that during the Iron Age, about 300 to 400 people lived at Danebury Hill Fort, along with grain stores, livestock, temples and shrines. 




Danger at Danebury Story Trail, Danebury Hillfort, Near Andover, HampshireBy about 100BC, Danebury Hill Fort had been abandoned and was probably being used as a farm.





Danger at Danebury Hill Fort

Danger at Danebury Story Trail, Danebury Hillfort, Near Andover, HampshireThe Danebury Hill Story Trail leads you around the hill fort and its ramparts.




Danger at Danebury Story Trail, Danebury Hillfort, Near Andover, HampshireIt is called “Danger at Danebury Hill Fort” and helps you to imagine yourself living at the hill fort during the Iron Age and then role play defending the hill fort against raiders trying to steal your grain.




Museum of the Iron Age

Further information on Danebury Hill Fort can be found at Musuem of the Iron Age in Andover, which is about a 15 minute drive from Danebury Hill Fort.  




It has a recreation of a roundhouse






and further information about life at the hill fort. 






* Hampshire CC’s Story Trails

Hawley Meadows Story Trail, CamberleyThis is one of Hampshire County Council’s Story Trails.

These are walks with interactive stories to read along the way, which are told by a cute character called the Story Snail.


Each Story Trail is about one mile long and divided into numbered sections. Numbered markers prompt you to read the sections of the story along the trail.



Finding a Story Pack

The Dragon of Butser Hill - The Queen Elizabeth Country Park Story Trail, WaterloovilleTo follow the Story Trail you need a free pack that you can either borrow from a specified place (with a Hampshire Library card and a £20 returnable deposit) or download a copy of a story trail from the internet in written or audio form.

Each pack has a map to follow and the trail itself is marked with arrows and/or pictures of the Story Snail.

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Visit the Danebury Hill Fort website


Further Information

Nearest Town: Andover
County: Hampshire
Nearest Postcode: SO20 6HZ

Opens: Daily
Cost: Free

Where to Eat: Bring a blanket and a picnic.
Facilities: None

How Long We Spent There: 2 hours
Buggies: It is easy to take an all terrain buggy to the hill fort but not up onto the ramparts, which have very steep sides.

Parking: Car park. 
Cost of Parking: Free.

Wildlife You Might See: Butterflies and other insects, rabbits and birds.

Information Written: September 2019

Visitor Information



Our visit to Danebury Hill Fort and the Danger at Danebury Hill Fort Story Trail near Andover is summarised below and you can add your own rating under ‘User Rating’ or in the ‘Add Comment’ section below.


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Before taking part in any activities or visiting any places listed, you should make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision, a safe environment is provided and to check all these details are up to date before you visit and/or take part. We accept no liability (to the fullest extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided or places listed or for the accuracy of any information given.



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